Microsoft Teams and IOT controled Robotics — The BOT

Part 2 of 4 series into Teams Controlled Robotics

Part 1

Microsoft Teams is an excellent collaboration tool with person to person communication workloads like, Messaging, Voice and Video collaboration. Microsoft Teams can also use Microsoft AI and cognitive services to collaborate with machines and devices. The Azure suite of services allows person to machine control, remote diagnostics and telemetrics analytics of internet connected devices.

To demonstrate how Microsoft Teams can control remote robotics, I have created a fun project that allows Teams to manage a RoboRaptor through Teams natural language messages.… [Keep reading] “Microsoft Teams and IOT controled Robotics — The BOT”

Plugging the Gaps in Azure Policy – Part One


Welcome to the first part of a two part blog on Azure Policy. Multi-part blogs are not my usual style, but the nature of blogging whilst also being a full time Consultant is that you slip some words in when you find time, and I was starting to feel if I wrote this in a single part, it would just never see the light of day. Part one of this blog deals with the high-level overview of what the problem is, and how we solved it at a high level, part two will include the icky sticky granular detail, including some scripts which you can shamelessly plagiarise.… [Keep reading] “Plugging the Gaps in Azure Policy – Part One”

Deploy a Geo-redundant Web App behind an Azure Traffic manager using an ARM template.

This blog will guide you on how to deploy a Web App, App service plan in different geographical locations using Azure Traffic Manager to provide Geo redundancy.  I will discuss these concepts below and provide the necessary steps to achieve this .

We will familiarize ourselves with the terminology and the technologies which will be used in the blog to build out our solution:

  1. Azure APP Services
  2. Azure App Service plan
  3. App Service Editor
  4. Traffic Manager


1.Azure[Keep reading] “Deploy a Geo-redundant Web App behind an Azure Traffic manager using an ARM template.”

A first look at Azure Integration Service Environments (ISE)


Microsoft released its long awaited Integration Service Environments (ISE) Azure service in public preview. Time to have a sneak peak! Integration service environments consists of a dedicated environment to execute your integration workloads. This as opposed to the serverless compute paradigm that was used in traditional Logic Apps. Although the serverless model is great for many purposes, using an ISE can be best fit for purpose in some scenarios which I’ll further outline in this article.… [Keep reading] “A first look at Azure Integration Service Environments (ISE)”

Intelligent Man to Machine collaboration with Microsoft TEAMS. -Robo Raptor

Microsoft Teams is excellent collaboration tool with person to person communication workloads like, Messaging, Voice and Video collaboration. Microsoft Teams can also use Microsoft AI and cognitive services to collaborate with machines and devices. Together with the large suite of Azure services that allows me to call Azure apps to orchestrate  person to machine control, remote diagnostics and telemetrics analytics of internet connected devices.

My Teams BOT  is set up as a personal assistant that  manages communications between several of my projects.… [Keep reading] “Intelligent Man to Machine collaboration with Microsoft TEAMS. -Robo Raptor”

Azure AD/Active Directory User Security Evaluation Reporter

During December 2018 – February 2019 Microsoft have run an online Microsoft Graph Security Hackathon on Devpost.

The criteria of the hackathon was;

  • Build or update a functioning Microsoft Graph-powered solution that leverages the Microsoft Graph Security API

Following the announcement of the Hackathon I was encouraged by Kloud management to enter. During the busy month of December I started to formulate a concept for entry in the Hackathon taking learnings from the hackathon I entered in 2018.… [Keep reading] “Azure AD/Active Directory User Security Evaluation Reporter”

Office365-AzureHybrid: Building an automated solution to pull Office 365 Audit logs

Custom reporting for Office 365 Audit logs is possible using data fetched from the Security and Compliance center. In the previous blogs here, we have seen how to use PowerShell and Office 365 Management API to fetch the data. In this blog, we will look at planning, prerequisites and rationale to help decide between the approaches.

The Office 365 Audit logs are available from the Security and Compliance center when enabled. At present, audit logging is not enabled by default and needs to be enabled from the Security and Compliance center.… [Keep reading] “Office365-AzureHybrid: Building an automated solution to pull Office 365 Audit logs”

Automating Azure Instrumentation and Monitoring – Part 4: Metric Alerts

One of the most important features of Azure Monitor is its ability to send alerts when something interesting happens – in other words, when our telemetry meets some criteria we have told Azure Monitor that we’re interested in. We might have alerts that indicate when our application is down, or when it’s getting an unusually high amount of traffic, or when the response time or other performance metrics aren’t within the normal range. We can also have alerts based on the contents of log messages, and on the health status of Azure resources as reported by Azure itself.… [Keep reading] “Automating Azure Instrumentation and Monitoring – Part 4: Metric Alerts”

Azure Automation MS Flow Hybrid Workers SharePoint List upload CSV output

In this Blog I will discuss how to leverage SharePoint Lists as a front end using MS Flow to call Webhooks on Microsoft Azure Automation PowerShell scripts. These scripts execute via a hybrid worker to access On Premises resources. Results will be zipped and uploaded back to the SharePoint list.


  • Azure Automation Subscription and Account
  • SharePoint Online / Site Collection
  • On-premises resource (Windows 2016 server) configured as Hybrid Worker
  • CredSSP needs to be enabled on hybrid Worker as Azure launches scripts as system account and some commands cannot use ‘-Credential’ )
  • Modules needed on Hybrid worker from elevated powershell run “Add-WindowsFeature RSAT-AD-PowerShell and “Install-Module SharePointPnPPowerShellOnline”
  • From Azure Import module from gallery SharePointPnPPowerShellOnline

Create SharePoint List

Create a SharePoint list as below this will be the input required for the script.… [Keep reading] “Azure Automation MS Flow Hybrid Workers SharePoint List upload CSV output”

Retrieve Office 365 audit logs using Office Management API and Azure Functions

For creating custom reports on Office 365 content, the best approach is to fetch the Audit data from Office 365 Management Audit log, store it in a custom database and then create reports through it. In an earlier blog here, we looked at steps to retrieve Office 365 Audit log data using PowerShell. In this blog, we look at a similar process to gather audit data by using Office 365 Management API in Azure Functions.… [Keep reading] “Retrieve Office 365 audit logs using Office Management API and Azure Functions”