Leveraging v1, v2 and non-Published SailPoint IdentityNow API’s with PowerShell

Update: Oct 2019. Leveraging the SailPoint IdentityNow API's is now easier using the SailPoint IdentityNow PowerShell Module.
UPDATE: 18 Dec 2018 Please see this new post on 
accessing v3 / non-published SailPoint 
IdentityNow API's using PowerShell.
The details in this post will still work for v1 
& v2 API's.

This post supersedes (see above) my previous posts on leveraging the IdentityNow API’s in relation to API Authentication/Authorization;

Using this Compass document as my guide (which takes a bit of finding) I’ve automated the process of being able to use PowerShell to leverage the non versioned/published API’s.… [Keep reading] “Leveraging v1, v2 and non-Published SailPoint IdentityNow API’s with PowerShell”

Provisioning complex Modern Sites with Azure Functions and Flow – Part 3 – Post Provisioning Site Configuration

In the previous two blogs part 1 and part 2, we looked at steps to create a Modern team site and apply a custom provisioning template to it. In this blog, we will have a look at the steps for the post provisioning process to implement site specific requirements. Some of them could be:

1. Apply default values to list fields
2. Create a bunch of default folders
3. Manage Security groups (SP level) and permission level.… [Keep reading] “Provisioning complex Modern Sites with Azure Functions and Flow – Part 3 – Post Provisioning Site Configuration”

One month until TLS 1.0 support is removed from Office 365

Not too long ago, I remember making the announcement at our user group that come October 31st, TLS 1.0 would no longer work in Office 365. “That’s ages away Craig!” was the cry from the audience. Well, in just under a months time, it’ll be upon us. The question is, are you ready?

What’s the deal with TLS 1.0 anyway?

Transport Layer Security version 1.0 is being removed as a supported secure protocol for connecting to Office 365.… [Keep reading] “One month until TLS 1.0 support is removed from Office 365”

Querying for updates/changes in Workday HR using PowerShell

Nathan Hartley has an awesome PowerShell Module for Workday that you can find here. I detailed how I’m using that module in this post here Building a Microsoft Identity Manager PowerShell Management Agent for Workday HR.

A large portion of that post detailed the nuances of working with the Worday API especially for implementations at scale. Those are constraints I have. Specifically I was looking for a couple more functions;

  • Changes since the last time I queried the API
  • Changes including those who are now Inactive workers*
  • in the summary PowerShell Object return Hire Date, Start Date, Active Status and Supplier

Not wanting to re-invent the wheel I forked Nathan’s Project and added those enhancements.… [Keep reading] “Querying for updates/changes in Workday HR using PowerShell”

Azure Sphere – Initial Setup, Configuration and First Impressions

In April this year, Microsoft announced Azure Sphere. This was the same week as I’d be preparing for a presentation I was giving on Azure IoT at the Sydney location for the Global Azure Bootcamp. When pre-orders became available from Seeed Studio I naturally signed up as I’ve previously bought many IoT related pieces of hardware from Seeed Studio.

Fast forward to this week and the Azure Sphere MT3620 device shipped. It’s a long weekend here in Sydney Australia and delivery wasn’t due until after the long weekend, but by some miracle the packaged was delivered on the Friday by DHL after only leaving China 3-4 days earlier.… [Keep reading] “Azure Sphere – Initial Setup, Configuration and First Impressions”

AAD-Connect PTA with SSO & Kerberos Decryption Key Roll Over

When setting up PTA with SSO the Kerberos decryption keys must be rolled over every 30 days. Unfortunately Microsoft have not yet devised a streamline process to automate, but hoping to deliver within the next 6 months.  Till this is made available the following solution has been developed to automatically perform this function.

The problem is best illustrated in the following test environment which has three internal domains configured for seamless single sign-on.

AD-Connect Screen

As illustrated below the decryption keys should be rolled over every 30 days to ensure the platform remains secure and operational.… [Keep reading] “AAD-Connect PTA with SSO & Kerberos Decryption Key Roll Over”

Building a Microsoft Identity Manager PowerShell Management Agent for Workday HR

Update 29 August 2019 See this post for multi-threading Granfeldt PowerShell Management Agent Imports (with Workday as an example).

Before I even get started with this post, let me state that the integration I describe here is not a standalone solution. Integrating with Workday for any organisation of significant size will require multiple integration points each providing coverage for the scenarios for your implementation. I list a few in this post, but Alexander Filipin has already done an awesome job here.… [Keep reading] “Building a Microsoft Identity Manager PowerShell Management Agent for Workday HR”

Automate the Generation of a Granfeldt PowerShell Management Agent Schema Definition File

Generating Schema.ps1 for the Granfeldt FIM/MIM PowerShell Management Agent

Getting started writing your first Forefront/Microsoft Identity Manager Granfeldt PowerShell Management Agent can be a bit daunting. Before you can do pretty much anything you need to define the schema for the PSMA. Likewise if you have written many, the generation of the schema file often seems to take longer than it should and can be a little tedious when all you want to do is write the logic for the Import and Export scripts.… [Keep reading] “Automate the Generation of a Granfeldt PowerShell Management Agent Schema Definition File”

Squeezing the Design Process into an Agile world – a real world story

You’ve just been assigned to your first project. It’s to build a product. You’re excited and nervous at the same time, you think – “finally a project I can sink my teeth into, I can adopt design thinking, do my user research, find user pain points with the client and come up with a killer design that everyone loves and I’ll be the new star of my organisation”

You walk into your client’s office, and meet the “scrum master” what’s that again?… [Keep reading] “Squeezing the Design Process into an Agile world – a real world story”

Deploy and Add SPFx webparts to Modern Pages using OfficeDevPnP CSOM library

In the previous blog here, we looked at how to install apps on a SharePoint site. With SharePoint and Office Dev PnP CSOM, we could also add web parts to Modern Pages, both out of the box (OOB) web parts and custom web parts. For out of box web parts, refer to Chris O’Brien article here , where he has provided steps and also the web part IDs for the OOB webparts which is really helpful.… [Keep reading] “Deploy and Add SPFx webparts to Modern Pages using OfficeDevPnP CSOM library”