Static Security Analysis of Container Images with CoreOS Clair

Container security is (or should be) a concern to anyone running software on Docker Containers. Gone are the days when running random Images found on the internet was common place. Security guides for Containers are common now: examples from Microsoft and others can be found easily online.
The two leading Container Orchestrators also offer their own security guides: Kubernetes Security Best Practices and Docker security.

Container Image Origin

One of the single biggest factors in Container security is determined by the origin of container Images:

  1. It is recommended to run your own private Registry to distribute Images
  2. It is recommended to scan these Images against known vulnerabilities.
[Keep reading] “Static Security Analysis of Container Images with CoreOS Clair”

Set your eyes on the Target!

So in my previous posts I’ve discussed a couple of key points in what I define as the basic principles of Identity and Access Management;

Now that we have all the information needed, we can start to look at your target systems. Now in the simplest terms this could be your local Active Directory (Authentication Domain), but this could be anything, and with the adoption of cloud services, often these target systems are what drives the need for robust IAM services.… [Keep reading] “Set your eyes on the Target!”

UPDATED: Identifying Active Directory Users with Pwned Passwords using Microsoft/Forefront Identity Manager

Earlier this week I posted this blog post that showed a working example of using a custom Pwned Password FIM/MIM Management Agent to flag a boolean attribute in the MIM Service to indicate whether a users password is in the pwned password dataset or not. If you haven’t read that post this won’t make a lot of sense, so read that then come back.
The solution when receiving a new password for a user (via Microsoft Password Change Notification Service) was checking against the Have I Been Pwned API.… [Keep reading] “UPDATED: Identifying Active Directory Users with Pwned Passwords using Microsoft/Forefront Identity Manager”

The Vault!

The vault or more precisely the “Identity Vault” is a single pane view of all the collated data of your users, from the various data source repositories. This sounds like a lot of jargon but it’s quite simple really.
In the diagram below we look at a really simple attribute firstName (givenName within AD) DataFlow
As you will see at the centre is the attribute, and branching off this is all the Connected Systems, i.e. Active Directory.… [Keep reading] “The Vault!”

SSL Tunneling with socat in Docker to safely access Azure Redis on port 6379

Redis Cache is an advanced key-value store that we should have all come across in one way or another by now. Azure, AWS and many other cloud providers have fully managed offerings for it, which is “THE” way we want to consume it.  As a little bit of insight, Redis itself was designed for use within a trusted private network and does not support encrypted connections. Public offerings like Azure use TLS reverse proxies to overcome this limitation and provide security around the service.… [Keep reading] “SSL Tunneling with socat in Docker to safely access Azure Redis on port 6379”

Protect Your Business and Users from Email Phishing in a Few Simple Steps

The goal of email phishing attacks is obtain personal or sensitive information from a victim such as credit card, passwords or username data, for malicious purposes. That is to say trick a victim into performing an unwitting action aimed at stealing sensitive information from them. This form of attack is generally conducted by means of spoofed emails or instant messaging communications which try to deceive their target as to the nature of the sender and purpose of the email they’ve received.… [Keep reading] “Protect Your Business and Users from Email Phishing in a Few Simple Steps”

Where's the source!

SauceIn this post I will talk about data (aka the source)! In IAM there’s really one simple concept that is often misunderstood or ignored. The data going out of any IAM solution is only as good as the data going in. This may seem simple enough but if not enough attention is paid to the data source and data quality then the results are going to be unfavourable at best and catastrophic at worst.
With most IAM solutions data is going to come from multiple sources.… [Keep reading] “Where's the source!”

Windows 10 Domain Join + AAD and MFA Trusted IPs


Those who have rolled out Azure MFA (in the cloud) to non-administrative users are probably well aware of the nifty Trusted IPs feature.   For those that are new to this, the short version is that this capability is designed to make it a little easier on the end user experience by allowing you to define a set of ‘trusted locations’ (e.g. your corporate network) in which MFA is not required.
This capability works via two methods:

  • Defining a set of ‘Trusted” IP addresses.
[Keep reading] “Windows 10 Domain Join + AAD and MFA Trusted IPs”

Enabling and Scripting Azure Virtual Machine Just-In-Time Access

Last week (19 July 2017) one of Microsoft’s Azure Security Center’s latest features went from Private Preview to Public Preview. The feature is Azure Just in time Virtual Machine Access.

What is Just in time Virtual Machine access ?

Essentially JIT VM Access is a wrapper for automating an Azure Network Security Group rule set for access to an Azure VM(s) for a temporal period on a set of network ports restricted to a source IP/Network.… [Keep reading] “Enabling and Scripting Azure Virtual Machine Just-In-Time Access”

Social Engineering Is A Threat To Your Organisation

Of the many attacks, hacks and exploits perpetrated against organisations. One of the most common vulnerabilities businesses face and need to guard against is the result of the general goodness or weakness, depending on how you choose to look at it, of our human natures exploited through means of social engineering.
Social engineering is a very common problem in cyber security. It consists of the simple act of getting an individual to unwittingly perform an unsanctioned or undersirable action under false pretenses.… [Keep reading] “Social Engineering Is A Threat To Your Organisation”