Portable Inversion of Control (IoC) Container for Mobile Development

TDD in Mobile Development – Part 2

This post is the second in a series that talks about TDD in Mobile Development, the links below show the other parts of the series.

TDD in Mobile Development
1. Unit Testing of Platform-Specific Code in Mobile Development.
2. Portable IoC (Portable.TinyIoC) for Mobile Development
3. Mobile Test-Driven Development – Running your unit tests from your IDE

[Update Date = 3rd July 2015]

I wrote this post sometime back when TinyIoC was the only one that I know that worked well on Xamarin.… [Keep reading] “Portable Inversion of Control (IoC) Container for Mobile Development”

TDD for Mobile Development – Part 1

TDD for Mobile Development – Part 1
1. Unit Testing of Platform-Specific Code in Mobile Development.
2. Portable IoC (Portable.TinyIoC) for Mobile Development
3. Mobile Test-Driven Development – Running your unit tests from your IDE


This post aims at exploring the best practices in terms of code quality and testability for mobile development.
It is part of a series that talks about Unit and Integration Testing in the Mobile space. In particular, I focus on Android and iOS.… [Keep reading] “TDD for Mobile Development – Part 1”

Effective Testing: Demystifying improvement and efficiency

If you have recently finished a system implementation or a large scale transformation work, you must be familiar with the phrase ‘test process efficiency’ and wondered what this refers to. But unlike the older days, just the delivery of a test function does not suffice the need for quality management. Increasingly organisations are looking for improved and optimised processes rather than being bound by the red lines of a traditional testing regime.

There are few key pillars that drive the test efficiency in any organisation, often these are called the ‘levers of testing function’ in a software implementation lifecycle.… [Keep reading] “Effective Testing: Demystifying improvement and efficiency”

Kloud Solutions Microsoft Partner Competencies

Many customers are curious about Kloud’s qualifications to provide consulting and managed services for the technologies in which we specialize. Many of these technologies are very new. How can customers be assured that Kloud Solutions has the right qualifications?

Kloud Solutions has completed the requirements for the following Microsoft competencies:

1. Gold Communications Competency Partner

2. Gold Identity and Access Competency Partner

3. Silver Application Development Competency Partner

4. Silver Collaboration and Content Partner

Here are some of the reasons why Kloud has pursued and earned these competencies with Microsoft:

1.… [Keep reading] “Kloud Solutions Microsoft Partner Competencies”

Claims-Based Federation Service using Microsoft Azure

In this post I will discuss how you can setup Microsoft Azure to provide federation services with claims authentication in the same way that an Active Directory Federation Service (ADFS) farm would on-premises. This can be achieved with an Azure subscription, Access Control Services (ACS) and an Azure Active Directory (AAD) instance. The key benefit of using Azure SaaS is that Microsoft have taken care of all the high availability and load scaling configuration, therefor you have no need to manage multiple ADFS servers to gain the same desired functionality.… [Keep reading] “Claims-Based Federation Service using Microsoft Azure”

Do It Yourself Cloud Accelerator

This intro is unashamedly lifted from a Microsoft article but I couldn’t say it any better: “The cloud has enormous potential to reduce operational expenses and achieve new levels of scale, but moving workloads away from the people who depend on them can increase networking costs and hurt productivity. Users expect high performance and don’t care where their applications and data are hosted” Cloud is a journey, to get there takes more than just migrating your workloads to the cloud.[Keep reading] “Do It Yourself Cloud Accelerator”

Windows Intune Features and Policies for Samsung KNOX

Microsoft and Samsung have announced a partnership whereby Samsung KNOX devices can be managed by Windows Intune using both Direct Management and Exchange ActiveSync.  ​Windows Intune now supports direct configuration of Samsung KNOX devices.  This feature allows IT administrators to manage Samsung KNOX mobile devices via the Windows Intune administration console.  Samsung KNOX devices are designed to be used in high security environments.


Here are the list of Windows Intune policies which are available today for managing Samsung KNOX devices:

Security / Password Require a password to unlock mobile devices
Security / Password Password quality
Security / Password Minimum password length
Security / Password Number of repeated sign-in failures to allow before the device is wiped
Security / Password Minutes of inactivity before screen turns off
Security / Password Password expiration (days)
Security / Password Remember password history –> Prevent reuse of previous passwords
Security / Encryption Require encryption on mobile device
Device Capabilities / Hardware Allow camera


If you are looking for assistance managing your corporate owned or personally owned mobile devices, please contact Kloud Solutions using the following URL:


Bulk Enroll iOS and Android Devices With Windows Intune vNext

​The current version of Windows Intune is designed for managing devices for knowledge workers.  Knowledge workers generally own more than one device.  Moreover, they rarely share their device with another user.  Knowledge workers want a mobile device which is customized according to their personal preferences.

By contrast, task workers generally do NOT own their own devices.  They use devices which their employer provides.  These devices are typically designed to be used for a specific purpose.  A common examples of a task worker device would be a handheld scanner for a package delivery service. … [Keep reading] “Bulk Enroll iOS and Android Devices With Windows Intune vNext”

New Windows Intune Features and Policies for Windows Phone 8.1

The latest release of Windows Intune provides new MDM features and policies for Windows Phone 8.1.

The new features include:

  • device configuration settings
  • software installation (sideloading) enhancements
  • selective wipe
  • support for Web Authentication Broker (WAB) enrolment
  • automatic MDM certificate renewal


Here are the new Windows Intune Policies for Windows Phone 8.1:


Group Policy
Security / System Allow screen capture
Security / System Allow diagnostic data submission
Applications / Browser Allow web browser
Applications / Apps Allow application store
Device Capabilities / Hardware Allow camera
Device Capabilities / Features Allow copy and paste
Device Capabilities / Features Allow Bluetooth
Device Capabilities / Features Allow Wi-Fi tethering
Device Capabilities / Features Allow NFC
Device Capabilities / Features Allow Wi-Fi
Device Capabilities / Features Allow Wi-Fi hotspot reporting
Device Capabilities / Features Allow automatic connection to free Wi-Fi hotspots


If you are looking for assistance managing your corporate owned or personally owned mobile devices, please contact Kloud Solutions at the following URL:

http://www.kloud.com.au/contact-us/… [Keep reading] “New Windows Intune Features and Policies for Windows Phone 8.1”

Downloading Azure Friday videos from Channel 9 with one line of PowerShell

As it’s Friday, I’ve set myself the challenge of downloading all the Azure Friday videos from the Channel 9 website with a single line of PowerShell. If you’re not familiar with this fantastic series, Scott Hanselman talks to the actual engineers who build Microsoft Azure to discuss cloud development in small bite-sized episodes. It’s great, and soon you’ll be able to watch it offline from the comfort of your own mobile device.

Here goes.

First, I’ll need to get a catalogue of all the video titles and their corresponding download links. … [Keep reading] “Downloading Azure Friday videos from Channel 9 with one line of PowerShell”