Azure Function Proxies for API Mocking

In my previous posts, Is Your Serverless Application Testable? – Azure Logic Apps and API Mocking for Developers, we have looked how to mock APIs with various approaches including Azure API Management, AWS API Gateway, MuleSoft and Azure Functions. Quite recently, Azure Functions Team released a new mocking feature in Azure Function Proxies. With this feature, API mocking can’t be even easier. In this post, I’m going to show how to use this mocking feature in several ways.… [Keep reading] “Azure Function Proxies for API Mocking”

Mixing Parameters in Logic Apps with ARM Template

One of the most irritating moments of using Azure Logic Apps is writing a HUMONGOUS JSON object that is wrapped by an ARM template. The nature of this Logic App instance inevitably requires us to mix both ARM template expressions and Workflow Definition Language (WDL) expressions. At the time of this writing, as there is no local validation tool around those two, we never know, if the Logic App instance is correctly deployed or not, until it is deployed and run.… [Keep reading] “Mixing Parameters in Logic Apps with ARM Template”

Make Your Azure WebJobs Unit Testable Again

In my previous posts, we had a look at testability for serverless applications. In this post, we’re going to apply a similar approach to Azure WebJobs.

The sample code used in this post can be found here.

For either scheduled WebJob instance or on-demand WebJob instance, it’s just a console application that we’re not dealing with. However, when we look at the continuous running WebJob instance, it will be a different story. Let’s have a look at the basic WebJob code.… [Keep reading] “Make Your Azure WebJobs Unit Testable Again”

Swashbuckle Pro Tips for ASP.NET Web API – XML

In the previous post, we implemented IOperationFilter of Swashbuckle to handle example objects with combination of AutoFixture. According to Swagger spec, it doesn’t only handle JSON payloads, but also copes with XML payloads. In this post, we’re going to use the Swashbuckle library again to handle XML payloads properly.… [Keep reading] “Swashbuckle Pro Tips for ASP.NET Web API – XML”

Swashbuckle Pro Tips for ASP.NET Web API – Example(s) Using AutoFixture

In the previous post, we implemented IOperationFilter of Swashbuckle to emit the consumes and produces properties in a Swagger document. This post will implement another IOperationFilter to emit example(s) properties containing auto-generated values by AutoFixture.

The sample codes used in this post can be found here.


The sample application uses the following spec:

[Keep reading] “Swashbuckle Pro Tips for ASP.NET Web API – Example(s) Using AutoFixture”

Swashbuckle Pro Tips for ASP.NET Web API – Content Types

Open API 2.0 (AKA Swagger) is a de-facto standard to document Web API. For ASP.NET Web API applications, Swashbuckle helps developers build the Swagger definition a lot easier. As Swashbuckle hasn’t fully implemented the Swagger specification, we need to develop some extensions using a few interfaces provided by Swashbuckle. In this post we’re going to talk about a couple of extensions to make Swagger definition more completed.… [Keep reading] “Swashbuckle Pro Tips for ASP.NET Web API – Content Types”

Is Your Serverless Application Testable? – Azure Logic Apps

I’ve talked about testable Azure Functions in my previous post. In this post, I’m going to introduce building a testable Azure Logic Apps.

Sample codes used in this post can be found here.

User Story

  • As a DevOps engineer,
  • I want to search ARM templates using Azure Logic Apps
  • So that I can browse the search result.
[Keep reading] “Is Your Serverless Application Testable? – Azure Logic Apps”

Is Your Serverless Application Testable? – Azure Functions

In this post, I’m going to introduce several design patterns when we write Azure Functions codes in C#, by considering full testabilities.

Sample codes used in this post can be found here.

User Story

  • As a DevOps engineer,
  • I want to search ARM templates using Azure Functions
  • So that I can browse the search result.

Basic Function Code

We assume that we have a basic structure that Azure Functions can use.… [Keep reading] “Is Your Serverless Application Testable? – Azure Functions”

Azure Functions Logging to Application Insights

We’re going to have a look at several ways to integrate Application Insights (AppInsights) with Azure Functions (Functions).
Functions supports built-in logging features using TraceWriter instance. Basic sample function might look like:

public static async Task<HttpResponseMessage> Run(HttpRequestMessage req, string productId, TraceWriter log)
log.Info("C# HTTP trigger function processed a request.");
log.Info($"ProductId: {productId}");

With TraceWriter, we can log information to the log console like:

However, it has the maximum limit of 1000 records. This is good for simple debugging purposes, but not for logging. Therefore, we should store logs somewhere like database or storage.… [Keep reading] “Azure Functions Logging to Application Insights”