A tale of two products (don’t expect Dickens)

At Re:Invent and just after, AWS released several new products. Included in those were AWS FSx Windows and AWS Backup. Both of these products had a lot of interest for me, for various reasons, so I thought I’d give them a try. None of my experience was under work conditions, but the following are my experiences. Note: Both are only in a small number of regions, currently.

AWS FSx Windows


  • Easy setup (by itself)
  • Fully compatible Windows file server
  • DFS support
  • Has backups
  • Works as expected


  • Requires AWS Microsoft AD in each VPC
  • Can’t change file share size
  • Some features can only be changed from CLI
  • Throughput can only be changed through restore
  • Minimum share size is 300GB

First out of the box, and released at Re:Invent is AWS FSx Windows.… [Keep reading] “A tale of two products (don’t expect Dickens)”

SailPoint IdentityNow Governance Groups Management Agent for Microsoft Identity Manager

Last week I posted a SailPoint IdentityNow Roles Management Agent for Microsoft Identity Manager. Today I’m posting a sister for it, an IdentityNow Governance Groups Management Agent.

I’ve posted about Governance Groups before. See Managing SailPoint IdentityNow Governance Groups via the API with PowerShell. That post details creating and managing Governance Groups via the API.

This Management Agent is essentially the enumeration of Governance Groups in IdentityNow via API wrapped up in a PowerShell Management Agent.… [Keep reading] “SailPoint IdentityNow Governance Groups Management Agent for Microsoft Identity Manager”

Weekly AWS update: Friday 25th January 2019

Well, it’s Australia Day weekend once again and our friends over at Amazon Web Services have been keeping themselves very busy this last week with several key announcements and releases that have a special place in the heart of us Australians. This article continues the weekly series we are doing this year to help customers with a brief overview of the happenings within the AWS world over the last week to try and help surface some of the more important announcements.… [Keep reading] “Weekly AWS update: Friday 25th January 2019”

SailPoint IdentityNow Roles Management Agent for Microsoft Identity Manager

This is the first post in a series where I will provide a number of base-level Management Agents for Microsoft Identity Manager to integrate with SailPoint IdentityNow. Whilst the two products have areas of competing/equivalent functionality there are other aspects where integration of the two compliment each other. Whilst that is not the purpose of this post, through the series of upcoming posts it will be relatively easy to extrapolate how the two products can happy co-exist and orchestrate each other for certain functions.… [Keep reading] “SailPoint IdentityNow Roles Management Agent for Microsoft Identity Manager”

Create Office365 business value through the power of limitation

Recent consulting engagements have found me helping customers define what Office365 means to them & what value they see in its use. They are lucky to have licenses and are seeking help to understand how they drive value from the investment.

You’ve heard the sales pitches: Office365 – The platform to solve ALL your needs! From meetings, to document management, working with people outside your organisation, social networking, custom applications, business process automation, forms & workflow, analytics, security & compliance, device management…the list goes on and is only getting bigger!… [Keep reading] “Create Office365 business value through the power of limitation”

Azure Automation MS Flow Hybrid Workers SharePoint List upload CSV output

In this Blog I will discuss how to leverage SharePoint Lists as a front end using MS Flow to call Webhooks on Microsoft Azure Automation PowerShell scripts. These scripts execute via a hybrid worker to access On Premises resources. Results will be zipped and uploaded back to the SharePoint list.


  • Azure Automation Subscription and Account
  • SharePoint Online / Site Collection
  • On-premises resource (Windows 2016 server) configured as Hybrid Worker
  • CredSSP needs to be enabled on hybrid Worker as Azure launches scripts as system account and some commands cannot use ‘-Credential’ )
  • Modules needed on Hybrid worker from elevated powershell run “Add-WindowsFeature RSAT-AD-PowerShell and “Install-Module SharePointPnPPowerShellOnline”
  • From Azure Import module from gallery SharePointPnPPowerShellOnline

Create SharePoint List

Create a SharePoint list as below this will be the input required for the script.… [Keep reading] “Azure Automation MS Flow Hybrid Workers SharePoint List upload CSV output”

Weekly AWS update: Friday 18th January 2019

Another week into 2019 and we have more activities happening in the world of Amazon Web Services. This article continues the weekly series we are doing this year to help customers with a brief overview of the happenings within the AWS world over the last week to try and help surface some of the more important announcements. This is not meant to be an exhaustive list of all the updates and changes to the AWS eco-system, but simply a summary of changes that might have an impact on the business and trends we at Kloud are seeing within the industry.… [Keep reading] “Weekly AWS update: Friday 18th January 2019”

Retrieve Office 365 audit logs using Office Management API and Azure Functions

For creating custom reports on Office 365 content, the best approach is to fetch the Audit data from Office 365 Management Audit log, store it in a custom database and then create reports through it. In an earlier blog here, we looked at steps to retrieve Office 365 Audit log data using PowerShell. In this blog, we look at a similar process to gather audit data by using Office 365 Management API in Azure Functions.… [Keep reading] “Retrieve Office 365 audit logs using Office Management API and Azure Functions”

Skype for Business Standard Edition – Unable to failback once DR is invoked

During the process of “Invoke-CsPoolFailover” the process changes the “PoolState” of the primary server from Active to FailedOver state, if this is not addressed after the restoration of the primary server the failback will not work.

Figure 1: Primary Server FailedOver State

In order to failback the pool back to the primary server the “PoolState” will need to be set back to Active. This can be done by running the following command:

PS C:\Set-CsRegistrarConfiguration -Identity “Service:Registrar:primaryfe.testdomain.com.au”[Keep reading] “Skype for Business Standard Edition – Unable to failback once DR is invoked”

Automating Azure Instrumentation and Monitoring – Part 3: Custom Metrics

One of the core data types that Azure Monitor works with is metrics – numerical pieces of data that represent the state of an Azure resource or of an application component at a specific point in time. Azure publishes built-in metrics for almost all Azure services, and these metrics are available for querying interactively as well as for use within alerts and other systems. In addition to the Azure-published metrics, we can also publish our own custom metrics.… [Keep reading] “Automating Azure Instrumentation and Monitoring – Part 3: Custom Metrics”