Apply custom css to SharePoint Modern Pages using SPFx webpart

With the absence of content editor web part (CWEP) or script editor web part in SharePoint Modern experience, power users have the challenge to style the page as per their requirements.

The only approach is to create a custom SPFx component that can add the custom css onto the page. That’s it !! Easy right. But how to do it? In this blog we will look at the steps for the same and is also a link (with steps) in case to easily build it.… [Keep reading] “Apply custom css to SharePoint Modern Pages using SPFx webpart”

Dev Tips : Planning IE11 compatibility with SPFx components and PnPJS library

One of the common challenges I encounter when working with SPFx components is that the app doesn’t work with IE11 as expected even though it works fine with other browsers. This has delayed many of my projects and puts a lot of risk on production releases. Hence in this blog, I will try to call out some of the challenges that we might run into when deploying complex SPFx components in IE11 and other older browsers, and some workarounds/rectifications for the same.… [Keep reading] “Dev Tips : Planning IE11 compatibility with SPFx components and PnPJS library”

Create Modern Pages and update metadata using SPFx Extensions, SP PnP JS and Azure Functions

Modern Site Pages (Site Page content type) have a constraint to associate custom metadata with it. In other words, the “Site Page” content type cannot have other site columns added to it as can be seen below.
On another note, even though we can create a child content types from Site Page content type, the New Site page creation (screenshot below) process doesn’t associate the new content type when the Page is created. So, the fields from the child content type couldn’t be associated.… [Keep reading] “Create Modern Pages and update metadata using SPFx Extensions, SP PnP JS and Azure Functions”

Automate deployment pipeline tasks using Gulpjs APIs


In this post I will be talking about gulpjs api and how gulp can be useful in automating deployment tasks. In a greenfield project there are a lot of post development tasks that a developer has to focus on besides development and with CI/CD being in focus now, post-deployment tasks are expected to be automated to make deployment pipeline more consistent and repeatable. These repetitive and common tasks not only adds-on to the project time and effort for the developer but also takes the focus away from the primary task.[Keep reading] “Automate deployment pipeline tasks using Gulpjs APIs”

Global Navigation and Branding for Modern Site using SharePoint Framework Extensions

Last month at the Microsoft Ignite 2017, SharePoint Framework Extensions became GA. It gave us whole new capabilities how we can customize Modern Team sites and Communication sites.
Even though there are lots of PnP examples on SPFx extensions, while presenting at Office 365 Bootcamp, Melbourne and taking a hands-on lab, I realised not many people are aware of the new capabilities that SPFx extensions provide. One of the burning question we often get from clients, if we can have a custom header, footer and global navigation in the modern sites and the answer is YES.… [Keep reading] “Global Navigation and Branding for Modern Site using SharePoint Framework Extensions”

Integrating Yammer data within SharePoint web-part using REST API


We were developing a SharePoint application for one of our client and have some web-parts that had to retrieve data from Yammer. As we were developing on SharePoint Online (SPO) using a popular SharePoint Framework (SPFx), so for the most part of our engagement we were developing using a client-side library named React to deliver what is required from us.
In order for us to integrate client’s Yammer data into our web-parts, we were using JavaScript SDK provided by Yammer.… [Keep reading] “Integrating Yammer data within SharePoint web-part using REST API”