Swashbuckle Pro Tips for ASP.NET Web API – XML

In the previous post, we implemented IOperationFilter of Swashbuckle to handle example objects with combination of AutoFixture. According to Swagger spec, it doesn’t only handle JSON payloads, but also copes with XML payloads. In this post, we’re going to use the Swashbuckle library again to handle XML payloads properly.… [Keep reading] “Swashbuckle Pro Tips for ASP.NET Web API – XML”

Swashbuckle Pro Tips for ASP.NET Web API – Example(s) Using AutoFixture

In the previous post, we implemented IOperationFilter of Swashbuckle to emit the consumes and produces properties in a Swagger document. This post will implement another IOperationFilter to emit example(s) properties containing auto-generated values by AutoFixture.

The sample codes used in this post can be found here.


The sample application uses the following spec:

[Keep reading] “Swashbuckle Pro Tips for ASP.NET Web API – Example(s) Using AutoFixture”

Swashbuckle Pro Tips for ASP.NET Web API – Content Types

Open API 2.0 (AKA Swagger) is a de-facto standard to document Web API. For ASP.NET Web API applications, Swashbuckle helps developers build the Swagger definition a lot easier. As Swashbuckle hasn’t fully implemented the Swagger specification, we need to develop some extensions using a few interfaces provided by Swashbuckle. In this post we’re going to talk about a couple of extensions to make Swagger definition more completed.… [Keep reading] “Swashbuckle Pro Tips for ASP.NET Web API – Content Types”

Azure Functions with Swagger

Azure Functions Team has recently announced the Swagger support as a preview. If we use Azure Functions as APIs, this will be very useful. In this post, we will have a look how to enable Swagger support on Azure Functions.

Sample codes used for this post can be found here.

Sample Azure Functions Instance

First of all, with the sample code provided, we’re creating two HTTP triggers, CreateProduct and GetProduct. Once we deploy them, we can find it from the Azure Portal like:

Here are simple requests and responses through Postman:

Let’s create a Swagger definition document for those Functions.… [Keep reading] “Azure Functions with Swagger”