
OpenSource Blogging with Jekyll GitHub VSCode Part2

During Part 1 of this series I introduced you to open source blogging using some awesome tools and platforms available today. I also shared my own setup so you can see what’s involved end-to-end.

Shortly I’ll provide a detailed walkthrough of everything you need to get started with your own blog site.

Local Blog Development

First we need to setup our local development environment for the blog site by installing a few dependencies.… [Keep reading] “OpenSource Blogging with Jekyll GitHub VSCode Part2”


OpenSource Blogging with Jekyll GitHub VSCode Part1

Kicking off the new year brought forward a renewed motivation to join the community of tech bloggers.

In this blog series I’ll share everything you need to know to get you setup with your own blog site, for free, using open source tooling such as Jekyll, GitHub, and Visual Studio Code.

To start off here’s an overview of my blogging toolkit:

A collection of helpful links can be found here.

[Keep reading] “OpenSource Blogging with Jekyll GitHub VSCode Part1”

Using Visual Studio with Github to Test New Azure CLI Features

Following the Azure Managed Kubernetes announcement yesterday, I immediately upgraded my Azure CLI on Windows 10 so I could try it out.
Unfortunately I discovered there was a bug with retrieving credentials for your newly created Kubernetes cluster – the command bombs with the following error:

C:\Users\rafb> az aks get-credentials --resource-group myK8Group --name myCluster
[Errno 13] Permission denied: 'C:\\Users\\rafb\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\tmpn4goit44'
Traceback (most recent call last):
 File "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Azure\CLI2\lib\site-packages\azure\cli\main.py", line 36, in main
 cmd_result = APPLICATION.execute(args)
[Keep reading] “Using Visual Studio with Github to Test New Azure CLI Features”

Automate your Cloud Operations Part 2: AWS CloudFormation

Stacking the AWS CloudFormation

Automate your Cloud Operations blog post Part 1 have given us the basic understanding on how to automate the AWS stack using CloudFormation.

This post will help the reader on how to layer the stack on top of the existing AWS CloudFormation stack using AWS CloudFormation instead of modifying the base template. AWS resources can be added into existing VPC using the outputs detailing the resources from the main VPC stack instead of having to modify the main template.… [Keep reading] “Automate your Cloud Operations Part 2: AWS CloudFormation”

Automate your Cloud Operations Part 1: AWS CloudFormation


What is Operations?

In the IT world, Operations refers to a team or department within IT which is responsible for the running of a business’ IT systems and infrastructure.

So what kind of activities this team perform on day to day basis?

Building, modifying, provisioning, updating systems, software and infrastructure to keep them available, performing and secure which ensures that users can be as productive as possible.

When moving to public cloud platforms the areas of focus for Operations are:

  • Cost reduction: if we design it properly and apply good practices when managing it (scale down / switch off)
  • Smarter operation: Use of Automation and APIs
  • Agility: faster in provisioning infrastructure or environments by Automating the everything
  • Better Uptime: Plan for failover, and design effective DR solutions more cost effectively.
[Keep reading] “Automate your Cloud Operations Part 1: AWS CloudFormation”