Creating Azure Storage SAS Tokens with ARM Templates

Shared access signatures, sometimes also called SAS tokens, allow for delegating access to a designated part of an Azure resource with a defined set of permissions. They can be used to allow various types of access to your Azure services while keeping your access keys secret.

In a recent update to Azure Resource Manager, Microsoft has added the ability to create SAS tokens from ARM templates. While this is a general-purpose feature that will hopefully work across a multitude of Azure services, for now it only seems to work with Azure Storage (at least of the services I’ve checked).… [Keep reading] “Creating Azure Storage SAS Tokens with ARM Templates”

Deploying App Services with ‘Run From Package’, Azure Storage, and Azure Pipelines

Azure App Service recently introduced a feature called Run From Package. Rather than uploading our application binaries and other files to an App Service directly, we can instead package them into a zip file and provide App Services with the URL. This is a useful feature because it eliminates issues with file locking during deployments, it allows for atomic updates of application code, and it reduces the time required to boot an application. It also means that the ‘release’ of an application simply involves the deployment of a configuration setting.… [Keep reading] “Deploying App Services with ‘Run From Package’, Azure Storage, and Azure Pipelines”

Building deployment pipelines for Azure Function proxies and Logic Apps

Azure Logic Apps offer a great set of tools to rapidly build APIs and leverage your existing assets through a variety of connectors. Whether in a more ad-hoc scenario or in a well-designed micro service architecture, it’s always a good way to introduce some form of decoupling through the mediator pattern. If you don’t have the budget for a full blown API Management rollout and your requirements don’t extend further than a basic proxy as a mediator, keep on reading.… [Keep reading] “Building deployment pipelines for Azure Function proxies and Logic Apps”

Deploy SPFx web parts to a Site Collection only – Site Collection App catalog

One of the few hidden gems of SharePoint Online hosting model is Site Collection App Catalog. Yes, you read it right, Site Collection App catalog !!!, not Tenant App catalog. Don’t confuse this with delegating app catalog rights to Site Collection Administrators. This is different and the requirement is to have the app deployed and scoped to a Site Collection only.  For more details about deployment options, please check here

So what does it mean by Site Collection App catalog ?… [Keep reading] “Deploy SPFx web parts to a Site Collection only – Site Collection App catalog”

TLS 1.0 no longer supported in Office 365

Today’s the day. You can mark this one in your Outlook calendars – from October 31st 2018, TLS 1.0 is no longer supported in Office 365.

What does this mean? Well, if you’re using older versions of office, Lync Phone Edition handsets, or an older OS and you run into an issue connecting to the service, Office 365 support will no longer be able to help if the device does not support at least TLS 1.2

This does not mean that your older devices and programs will suddenly stop working.… [Keep reading] “TLS 1.0 no longer supported in Office 365”

Skype for Business 2019 or Microsoft Teams – Which should you move to

Last week, I presented a “how to” guide on the current 5 methods of moving from Skype for Business to Microsoft Teams to a room of eager Government employees. The talk went well, everyone had great questions and the general feeling was of an energized bunch of people who were ready to walk back into their IT department and take a further look at Microsoft Teams.

From the many questions I received during the presentation, there was a question in particular that I found interesting, and pondered on the long drive home back to Sydney.… [Keep reading] “Skype for Business 2019 or Microsoft Teams – Which should you move to”

Dependency Injection In Azure Functions V2

With the Azure Functions v2 runtime, supporting .NET Core it has become easier to do dependency injection. It can be done in a similar way that ASP.NET Core does via Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.

ASP.NET Core encourages the use of dependency injection by the built-in DI container. This feature of ASP.NET Core is very handy as many extensions such as logging and configuration via IOptions pattern are registered using during startup in Startup.cs. ASP.NET Core registers these services, along with any custom services you need using the built-in DI container via IServiceCollection.… [Keep reading] “Dependency Injection In Azure Functions V2”

Adding Delta Sync Support to the Microsoft Identity Manager PowerShell Management Agent for Workday HR

Recently I posted a sample Microsoft Identity Manager Management Agent for Workday HR. Subsequently I also posted about some updates I made to the WorkdayAPI PowerShell Module to enable functionality to specify the time period to return changes for. This post details updating  my sample Workday Management Agent to support Delta Synchronisation.

WorkdayAPI PowerShell Module

First up you will need the updated WorkdayAPI PowerShell Module that provides the Get-WorkdayWorkerAdv cmdlet and can take a time period to return information for.… [Keep reading] “Adding Delta Sync Support to the Microsoft Identity Manager PowerShell Management Agent for Workday HR”

Updated: Azure AD B2B Guest Invitations Microsoft Identity Manager Management Agent

In August I posted this that detailed Automating Azure AD B2B Guest Invitations using Microsoft Identity Manager. More recently Microsoft updated the Microsoft Graph to include additional information about Azure AD B2B Guest users and I wrote this that creates HTML Reports based off these new attributes.

That information is also handy when managing the lifecyle of Azure AD B2B Users. As we do that using Microsoft Identity Manager I’ve updated my Azure AD B2B Guest Invitation Management Agent for these attributes so they can be used in the lifecycle logic.… [Keep reading] “Updated: Azure AD B2B Guest Invitations Microsoft Identity Manager Management Agent”