Dependency Injection In Azure Functions V2

With the Azure Functions v2 runtime, supporting .NET Core it has become easier to do dependency injection. It can be done in a similar way that ASP.NET Core does via Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.

ASP.NET Core encourages the use of dependency injection by the built-in DI container. This feature of ASP.NET Core is very handy as many extensions such as logging and configuration via IOptions pattern are registered using during startup in Startup.cs. ASP.NET Core registers these services, along with any custom services you need using the built-in DI container via IServiceCollection.… [Keep reading] “Dependency Injection In Azure Functions V2”

Processing Azure Event Grid events across Azure subscriptions

Consider a scenario where you need to listen to Azure resource events happening in one Azure subscription from another Azure subscription. A use case for such a scenario can be when you are developing a solution where you listen to events happening in your customers’ Azure subscriptions, and then you need to handle those events from an Azure Function or Logic App running in your subscription.
A solution for such a scenario could be:
1. Create an Azure Function in your subscription that will handle Azure resource events received from Azure Event Grid.… [Keep reading] “Processing Azure Event Grid events across Azure subscriptions”