Intro to Site Scripts and Site Designs with a Simple SharePoint Modern Site provisioning

Microsoft announced Site Scripts and Site Designs in late 2017 which became available for Targeted release in Jan 2018, and released to general use recently. It is a quick way to allow users to create custom modern sites, without using any scripting hacks. Hence, in this blog we will go through the steps of Site Scripts and Site design for a Simple SharePoint Modern Site Creation.
Before we get into detailed steps, lets’ get a brief overview about Site Designs and Site Scripts.… [Keep reading] “Intro to Site Scripts and Site Designs with a Simple SharePoint Modern Site provisioning”

Writing for the Web – that includes your company intranet!

You can have a pool made out of gold – if the water in it is as dirty and old as a swamp- no one will swim in it!

The same can be said about the content of an intranet. You can have the best design, the best developers and the most carefully planned out navigation and taxonomy but if the content and documents are outdated and hard to read, staff will lose confidence in its authority and relevance and start to look elsewhere – or use it as an excuse to get a coffee.… [Keep reading] “Writing for the Web – that includes your company intranet!”

Xamarin Application Architecture

In this post, I will talk about strategies for developing a cross-platform Xamarin application with a focus on code sharing, increasing testability, and reducing overall development and maintenance efforts.
The application architecture is itself problem specific, but there are certain design patterns that can guide the overall structure of the application. The ones I mostly work with are Model-View-Controller, Model-View-Presenter, and Model-View-ViewModel.
MVC should be adopted for small applications or proof of concept. Since Android and iOS both natively support MVC, it will mean fewer roadblocks and faster implementation.… [Keep reading] “Xamarin Application Architecture”

Global Navigation and Branding for Modern Site using SharePoint Framework Extensions

Last month at the Microsoft Ignite 2017, SharePoint Framework Extensions became GA. It gave us whole new capabilities how we can customize Modern Team sites and Communication sites.
Even though there are lots of PnP examples on SPFx extensions, while presenting at Office 365 Bootcamp, Melbourne and taking a hands-on lab, I realised not many people are aware of the new capabilities that SPFx extensions provide. One of the burning question we often get from clients, if we can have a custom header, footer and global navigation in the modern sites and the answer is YES.… [Keep reading] “Global Navigation and Branding for Modern Site using SharePoint Framework Extensions”

7 tips for making UX work in Agile teams

Agile is here to stay. Corporates love it, start-ups embrace it and developers live by it. So there is no denying that Agile is going nowhere and we have to work with it. For a number of years, I’ve tried to align User Experience practices with Agile methods and haven’t met with great success every time.

But nevertheless, there are a lot of lessons that I’ve learnt during the process and I’m going to share 7 tips that always worked for me.

[Keep reading] “7 tips for making UX work in Agile teams”

ADFS v 2.0 Migration to ADFS 2016

Some organisations may still have ADFS v2 or ADFS v2.1 running in their environment, and haven’t yet moved to ADFS v3. In this blog, we will discuss how can you move away from ADFS v2 or ADFS v2.1 and migrate or upgrade to ADFS 2016.
In previous posts, Part 1 and Part 2 we have covered the migration of ADFS v3.0 to ADFS 2016. I have received some messages on LinkedIn to cover the migration process from ADFS v2 to ADFS 2016 as there currently isn’t much information about this.… [Keep reading] “ADFS v 2.0 Migration to ADFS 2016”

WAP (2012 R2) Migration to WAP (2016)

In Part 1, and Part 2 of this series we have covered the migration from ADFS v3 to ADFS 2016. In part 3 we have discussed the integration of Azure MFA with ADFS 2016, and in this post (technically part 4) we will cover the migration or better yet upgrade WAP 2012 R2 to WAP 2016.
Again, this blog assumes you already have installed the Web Application Proxy feature while adding the Remote Access role.… [Keep reading] “WAP (2012 R2) Migration to WAP (2016)”

ADFS v 3.0 (2012 R2) Migration to ADFS 4.0 (2016) – Part 3 – Azure MFA Integration

In Part 1 and Part 2 of this series we have covered the migration from ADFS v3 to ADFS 2016. In this series we will continue our venture in configuring Azure MFA in ADFS 2016.
Azure MFA – What is it about?
It is a bit confusing when we mention that we need to enable Azure MFA on ADFS. Technically, this method is actually integrating Azure MFA with ADFS. MFA itself is authenticating on Azure AD, however, ADFS is prompting you enter an MFA code which will be verified with the Azure AD to sign you in.… [Keep reading] “ADFS v 3.0 (2012 R2) Migration to ADFS 4.0 (2016) – Part 3 – Azure MFA Integration”

ADFS v 3.0 (2012 R2) Migration to ADFS 4.0 (2016) – Part 2

In Part 1 of this series we have been getting ready for our ADFS v3.0 migration to ADFS v4.0 (ADFS 2016).
In part 2 we will cover the migration process, step-by-step. However, a friendly reminder that this series does not cover installation of ADFS and federation from scratch. This post assumes you already have a federated domain and Single Sign On (SSO) for your applications.

You may notice domain change and federation service name change from

[Keep reading] “ADFS v 3.0 (2012 R2) Migration to ADFS 4.0 (2016) – Part 2”

ADFS v 3.0 (2012 R2) Migration to ADFS 4.0 (2016) – Part 1

With the release of Windows Server 2016, Microsoft has introduced new and improved features. One of those features is ADFS 4.0, better known as ADFS 2016.
Organisations have already started leveraging ADFS 2016 as it covers most of their requirement, specially in terms of security.
In this series of blog posts, I will demonstrate how you can upgrade from ADFS v 3.0 (Running Windows Server 2012 R2) to ADFS 2016 (Running Windows Server 2016 Datacenter).… [Keep reading] “ADFS v 3.0 (2012 R2) Migration to ADFS 4.0 (2016) – Part 1”