Microsoft Teams Q&A

This page is a collection of Microsoft Teams and Skype for Business related questions and answers. It’s regularly updated as more information becomes available.
Microsoft Teams Q&A – Last Updated: 15th March 2018
Q: What is Microsoft Teams?
A: Microsoft Teams is a complete communications platform, that takes the best bits of Skype for Business, Yammer, SharePoint, Email and other web sources and presents them in one easy to use application. You can send IM’s, make voice and video calls, phone calls, Share documents, and collaborate all from within the one application.… [Keep reading] “Microsoft Teams Q&A”

Cosmos DB Server-Side Programming with TypeScript – Part 6: Build and Deployment

So far in this series we’ve been compiling our server-side TypeScript code to JavaScript locally on our own machines, and then copying and pasting it into the Azure Portal. However, an important part of building a modern application – especially a cloud-based one – is having a reliable automated build and deployment process. There are a number of reasons why this is important, ranging from ensuring that a developer isn’t building code on their own machine – and therefore may be subject to environmental variations or differences that cause different outputs – through to running a suite of tests on every build and release.… [Keep reading] “Cosmos DB Server-Side Programming with TypeScript – Part 6: Build and Deployment”

Cosmos DB Server-Side Programming with TypeScript – Part 5: Unit Testing

Over the last four parts of this series, we’ve discussed how we can write server-side code for Cosmos DB, and the types of situations where it makes sense to do so. If you’re building a small sample application, you now have enough knowledge to go and build out UDFs, stored procedures, and triggers. But if you’re writing production-grade applications, there are two other major topics that need discussion: how to unit test your server-side code, and how to build and deploy it to Cosmos DB in an automated and predictable manner.… [Keep reading] “Cosmos DB Server-Side Programming with TypeScript – Part 5: Unit Testing”

Automate deployment pipeline tasks using Gulpjs APIs


In this post I will be talking about gulpjs api and how gulp can be useful in automating deployment tasks. In a greenfield project there are a lot of post development tasks that a developer has to focus on besides development and with CI/CD being in focus now, post-deployment tasks are expected to be automated to make deployment pipeline more consistent and repeatable. These repetitive and common tasks not only adds-on to the project time and effort for the developer but also takes the focus away from the primary task.[Keep reading] “Automate deployment pipeline tasks using Gulpjs APIs”

How far to take response group

I have been working on a SFB Enterprise Voice Implementation project recently. The client is very keen to use native response group to create a corporate IVR for their receptions. The requirement in particular ended up needing 4 workflows, 19 Queues, 2 Groups and going beyond 2-Level, 4-Options IVR simple cases. The whole implementation won’t be completed under GUI, instead, Lync Powershell is the only way to meet the requirement.
I drew the reception IVR workflow below:
The root level menu is 7 options with the option 9 to loop back and the sub menu is also up to 8 options to help receptions to reduce the workload.… [Keep reading] “How far to take response group”

Xamarin Forms: Mircosoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Sqlite issue with Physical devices


Building Xamarin Forms apps using .Net Standard 2.0 is still pretty much new to industry, we are just started to learn how differently we have to configure Xamarin setting to get it working when compared to PCL based projects.
I was building a Xamarin Forms based App using Microsoft’s Entityframeworks SQlite to store app’s data. Entity framework using sqlite is an obvious choice when it comes to building App using .Net Standard 2.0


Works well on pretty much on all simulators without any issue, all read/write operations works well.… [Keep reading] “Xamarin Forms: Mircosoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Sqlite issue with Physical devices”

Xamarin forms using .Net Standard 2.0


All Xamarin developers, please welcome Net standard 2.0. This is the kind of class library we were waiting for all these years. The .Net standard 2.0 specification is now complete and it is included with Net core 2.0, Net framework 4.6.1 and up to latest versions. It can be used using Visual Studio versions 15.3 and up. Net Standard 2.0 obviously supports C# and also F# and Visual Basic.

More APIs

Net Standard 2.0 is for sharing code via various platforms.… [Keep reading] “Xamarin forms using .Net Standard 2.0”

Seamless Multi-identity Browsing for Cloud Consultants

If you’re a technical consultant working with cloud services like Office 365 or Azure on behalf of various clients, you have to deal with many different logins and passwords for the same URLs. This is painful, as your default browser instance doesn’t handle multiple accounts and you generally have to resort to InPrivate (IE) or Incognito (Chrome) modes which mean a lot of copying and pasting of usernames and passwords to do your job. If this is how you operate today: stop.… [Keep reading] “Seamless Multi-identity Browsing for Cloud Consultants”

HoloLens – Continuous Integration

Continuous integration is best defined as the process of constantly merging development artifacts produced or modified by different members of a team into a central shared repository. This task of collating changes becomes more and more complex as the size of the team grows. Ensuring the stability of the central repository becomes a serious challenge in such cases.
A solution to this problem is to validate every merge with automated builds and automated testing. Modern code management platforms like Visual Studio Team Services (VSTS) offers built-in tools to perform these operations.… [Keep reading] “HoloLens – Continuous Integration”

HoloLens – Continuous Integration

Continuous integration is best defined as the process of constantly merging development artifacts produced or modified by different members of a team into a central shared repository. This task of collating changes becomes more and more complex as the size of the team grows. Ensuring the stability of the central repository becomes a serious challenge in such cases.
A solution to this problem is to validate every merge with automated builds and automated testing. Modern code management platforms like Visual Studio Team Services (VSTS) offers built-in tools to perform these operations.… [Keep reading] “HoloLens – Continuous Integration”