Disk Space Reporting through Lamba Functions- Linux servers

Solution Objective:

The solution provides detailed report related to hard disk space for all the Linux Ec2 instances in the AWS environment.


Mentioned below are the requirements the solution should be able to fulfil.

  • Gather information related to all mount points in all the Linux EC2 instances in the environment.
  • Able to generate cumulative report based on all instances in the environment.

3. Assumptions:

The following assumptions are considered

  • All the EC2 instances have SSM agent installed.
[Keep reading] “Disk Space Reporting through Lamba Functions- Linux servers”

VPC ( Virtual Private Cloud) Configuration


This blog is Part 01 of a 02 part series related to custom VPC configurations
Part 01 discusses the following scenario

  • Creating a VPC with 02 subnets ( Public and Private )
  • Creating a bastion host server in the public subnet
  • Allowing the Bastion host to connect to the servers in the Private Subnet using RDP.

Part 02 will discuss the following

  • Configuring NAT Instances
  • Configuring VPC Peering
  • Configuring VPC flow Logs.

What is a VPC

VPC can be described as a logical Datacenter where AWS resources can be deployed.… [Keep reading] “VPC ( Virtual Private Cloud) Configuration”

Patching EC2 through SSM


Why Patch Manager?

AWS SSM Patch Manager is an automated tool that helps you simplify your operating system patching process, including selecting the patches you want to deploy, the timing for patch roll-outs, controlling instance reboots, and many other tasks. You can define auto-approval rules for patches with an added ability to black-list or white-list specific patches, control how the patches are deployed on the target instances (e.g. stop services before applying the patch), and schedule the automatic roll out through maintenance windows.… [Keep reading] “Patching EC2 through SSM”

Service Strategy – How do you become Instrumental?

There is a well-known concept developed by Ronald Coase around organisational boundaries being determined by transaction costs.
This concept stated that organisations are faced with three decisions.
To make, buy or rent.
In some scenarios, it makes sense for organisations to own and operate assets, or conduct activities in-house, however, at other times you could seek alternatives from the open market.
When seeking alternatives from the open markets the key factor can be the transaction cost.… [Keep reading] “Service Strategy – How do you become Instrumental?”

Is Service Strategy your Everest?

Essentially strategy is separating what to do versus what not to do.
It brings about alignment to your organisation’s vision.
In this blog, I will endeavour to cover why having a service management strategy is critical for your organisation and point you towards well-known principles that will help you scale it.
You could think of this like climbing a mountain.
It starts with your perspective.
Perspective – outlines your vision and direction.
What does Everest look like?… [Keep reading] “Is Service Strategy your Everest?”

Exploring Cloud Adoption

At Kloud we get incredible opportunities to partner with global organisations.
Listening to and observing one of our established clients has inspired me to write about the change programme around Office 365 and how we can expand the approach.
The change management programme, in terms of adoption, is based on a user’s journey through the office 365 toolset. A sort of step by step approach incorporating exchange online and SharePoint online – building a workspace for each department which effectively will become the reference point in which you work from.… [Keep reading] “Exploring Cloud Adoption”

Cloud Enterprise Governance

Organisational Strategies are currently being forged around SAAS, IAAS and PAAS in cloud computing.

What will the new Cloud Enterprise Governance framework look like?

Lack of Cloud Enterprise Governance can result in organisations not achieving strategically set directives as well as consumer loss of confidence.

This is challenging considering how fast cloud computing is currently being accelerated, at the same token, this also provides a fantastic opportunity to get it right.

Cloud computing is putting pressure on traditional governance ability to adapt and change.… [Keep reading] “Cloud Enterprise Governance”

The Service Coin

We were recently invited by a customer to share on how we do managed services at Kloud, particularly around Microsoft Azure and Office 365.

During the conversation, I landed on an analogy that best articulated how we envision delivering service through the Cloud computing model.

I thought I would share that analogy.

Simply put service is a means of delivering value to customers, minus all the overhead of actually operating the service.

With that in mind let’s think about the service coin in terms of value in the economy called the cloud.… [Keep reading] “The Service Coin”

The art of managing a service

In the age of technology, it’s important to deliver value to customers in terms of outcomes. Service typifies what this means, providing value to the customer.

There is an art to managing a service, it’s here I want to focus the attention. “Art,” implies mastery of any sort of craft.  I love the picture this paints.  One could imply that managing a service is a mastering it, in turn mastering value.

Here’s a few pointers on how to do that.… [Keep reading] “The art of managing a service”

Accelerating Azure Multi Factor Authentication in Enterprise Organisation

At Kloud we get incredible opportunities to partner with organisations who are global leaders in their particular industry.

Recently we were asked to accelerate Microsoft’s Azure Multi factor authentication for Office 365 users in the cloud throughout an enterprise organisation.

This blog is not so much focused on the technical implementation (there is an incredible amount of technical documentation provided by Microsoft that covers this) but more around what we discovered whilst accelerating the technology throughout the organisation.… [Keep reading] “Accelerating Azure Multi Factor Authentication in Enterprise Organisation”