ADFS sign-in error: “An error occurred. Contact your administrator for more information.”

Originally posted @ Lucian.Blog. Follow Lucian on twitter @Lucianfrango.

I’ve not had that much luck deploying Azure AD Connect and ADFS 3.0 in Azure for a client in the last few weeks. After some networking woes I’ve moved onto the server provisioning and again got stuck. Now, I know IT is not meant to be easy otherwise there wouldn’t be some of the salaries paid out to the best and brightest, this install though was simple and nothing out of the ordinary. A standard deployment that I and many others have done before.

Let me paint the picture: ADFS is now running, although not working, in Azure compute across a load balanced set of two servers with a further load balanced set of web application proxy (WAP) servers in front. Theres two domain controllers and a AAD Connect server all across a couple of subnets in a VNET.

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Azure AD Connect: Connect Service error “stopped-extension-dll-exception”

Originally posted @ Lucian.Blog. Follow Lucian on twitter @Lucianfrango.

I was rather stuck the other day. Azure AD Connect provisioning has not been the smoothest of installs even following the wizard and successfully completing the mostly automated process. Azure AD Connect has built upon the previous generation sync services and, from what I’ve read, isn’t much of a new app, rather a version upgrade and re-name from the AADSync service still (as of July 2015) the default for Office 365 directory replication from on-premises to Azure AD.

Past versions and previous generation aside, a now generally available app should feature a working and thoroughly tested feature set. Should…

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How to provision Azure Active Directory Connect

Originally posted @ Lucian.Blog

Time flies when you’re connecting to Azure AD. Late last month Microsoft announced that Azure AD Connect is now generally available. At the time of writing this, the synchronisation app itself still isn’t the default sync standard for Azure and obtaining the installer requires a quick Google. Since I’m deploying it for a client, I thought I’d run through the install process for future reference.

AADConnect provides allot of new functionality like for example this new fandangled ADDS password sync. In this scenario I’m keeping federation services, so ADFS will be deployed, which is more aligned with the previous or most common enterprise identity design.

This is going to be a long blog post with allot of screen shots (you’re welcome) on how to deploy Azure AD Connect. I’ll be going though the wizard process which will follow the automated process to deploy AADConnect, ADFS and ADFS WAP servers- pretty cool indeed.

At the moment AADConnect still isn’t the standard synchronisation service for Office 365 or Azure AD and requires download from the Microsoft Download Centre. To begin with, I’ve downloaded the AADConnect installer from this location.

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Azure MFA Server – International Deployment

Hi all – this blog will cover off some information to assist with multilingual/international deployment of Azure MFA server. There are some nuances of the product that make ongoing management of language preferences a little challenging. Also some MFA Methods are preferable to others in international scenarios due to carrier variances.

Language Preferences

Ideally when a user is on-boarded, their language preferences for the various MFA Methods should be configured to their native language. This can easily be achieved using MFA Server, however there are some things to know:

  1. Language settings are defined in in Synchronisation Items.
[Keep reading] “Azure MFA Server – International Deployment”

Azure Active Directory Connect high-availability using ‘Staging Mode’

With the Azure Active Directory Connect product (AAD Connect) being announced as generally available to the market (more here, download here), there is a new feature available that will provide a greater speed of recovery of the AAD Sync component. This feature was not available with the previous AAD Sync or DirSync tools and there is little information about it available in the community, so hopefully this model can be considered for your synchronisation design.… [Keep reading] “Azure Active Directory Connect high-availability using ‘Staging Mode’”

FIM 2010 R2 and the Missing Log File

Anyone who has had anything to do with FIM will probably have experienced moments where you question what is taking place and ask yourself if you really understand what FIM is doing at a specific point in time. This is partly due to FIM’s extraordinarily unpredictable error handling and logging.

While working on a long running FIM 2010 R2 project where we chose to make heavy use of PowerShell within action and authorisation workflows. We chose to make use of some of the PowerShell extensions for FIM 2010 R2 at Codplex.… [Keep reading] “FIM 2010 R2 and the Missing Log File”

Microsoft Intune: what, when, where, why, how

Originally posted at Lucian.Blog.

Having worked with Microsoft Intune a fair bit recently, in some clever ways like to extended System Centre Configuration Manager to the cloud for multi-factor authentication purposes, I’ve come to find Intune quite handy. In most ways it can be considered SCCM in the cloud which isn’t necessarily a bad thing.

In this post I’d like to quick fire off a whole bunch of handy Intune facts, figures and maybe other f-words for commonly asked questions I’ve been asked about the product suite…

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How to implement Multi-Factor Authentication in Office 365 via ADFS, Part 5, the finale!

Originally posted in Lucians blog over @

I know what you’re thinking: does Lucian really have to create another part in this long MFA series? In short, probably not, but I’ll have saved your index finger the thousands of years or scrolling you would have done to read the entire brain dump in a one page post.

So to explain this ‘epilogue’, if you will, on MFA, using X.509 SSLs for your second factor of authentication is a powerful means to automate and manage a process for your mobile and external users. This blog post will explain how to leverage an on-prem Microsoft System Centre Configuration Manager (SCCM) 2012 R2 deployment linked to Microsoft InTune to deliver SSL’s to mobile and external devices to use in MFA.

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How to implement Multi-Factor Authentication in Office 365 via ADFS – Part 4

Originally posted in Lucians blog over @

The final installment in the long series that’s taken me allot longer to get around to writing then initially I had thought. However, I hope it’s worth the wait and the solution that has been proven works well for you. Before I get into the technical aspects of the final piece of this MFA implementation puzzle, I’d like to make a quick shout out to all the awesome consultants at Kloud Solutions who helped both in the technical implementation but also with the initial design and work required to see this solution through- a big thank you!

In the previous blog post I went through essentially what an internal configuration of MFA would look like with everything ready for the ADAL component that was previously under NDA and preview only availability, is now generally available for testing. So let me quickly delve into that ADAL in Office 2013 and Office 365 component before an in-depth guide on how to utilize Microsoft InTune and System Centre Configuration Manager as a means to deliver SSL certificates to users and use those certificates as your second factor of authentication! Exciting as its been a long build up to get to this point with several moments where I was questioning whether this would work in the real world.. lets start..

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How to implement Multi-Factor Authentication in Office 365 via ADFS – Part 3

Originally posted on Lucian’s blog over at

In this blog post I’ll go into the configuration and implementation of Active Directory Federation Services v3.0 Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA). This is in line with a recent proof-of-concept project I conducted for a large customer in the FMCG sector. ADFSv3 MFA coupled with some new functionality that Microsoft is working on in Office 365, MFA in Office 2013 which will be covered by part 4 of this series, offers a fantastic solution to organisations wanting to leverage MFA by way of adhering to company policy or simply to further secure their users accessing Office 365 cloud services.

The good we secure for ourselves is precarious and uncertain until it is secured for all of us and incorporated into our common life

-Jane Addams

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