Ok Google Email me the status of all vms – Part 2

First published at https://nivleshc.wordpress.com
In my last blog, we configured the backend systems necessary for accomplishing the task of asking Google Home “OK Google Email me the status of all vms” and it sending us an email to that effect. If you haven’t finished doing that, please refer back to my last blog and get that done before continuing.
In this blog, we will configure Google Home.
Google Home uses Google Assistant to do all the smarts.… [Keep reading] “Ok Google Email me the status of all vms – Part 2”

Ok Google Email me the status of all vms – Part 1

First published at https://nivleshc.wordpress.com
Technology is evolving at a breathtaking pace. For instance, the phone in your pocket has more grunt than the desktop computers of 10 years ago!
One of the upcoming areas in Computing Science is Artificial Intelligence. What seemed science fiction in the days of Isaac Asimov, when he penned I, Robot seems closer to reality now.
Lately the market is popping up with virtual assistants from the likes of Apple, Amazon and Google.… [Keep reading] “Ok Google Email me the status of all vms – Part 1”

Monitoring Azure Storage Queues with Application Insights and Azure Monitor

Azure Queues provides an easy queuing system for cloud-based applications. Queues allow for loose coupling between application components, and applications that use queues can take advantage of features like peek-locking and multiple retry attempts to enable application resiliency and high availability. Additionally, when Azure Queues are used with Azure Functions or Azure WebJobs, the built-in poison queue support allows for messages that repeatedly fail processing attempts to be moved to a dedicated queue for later inspection.… [Keep reading] “Monitoring Azure Storage Queues with Application Insights and Azure Monitor”

Static Security Analysis of Container Images with CoreOS Clair

Container security is (or should be) a concern to anyone running software on Docker Containers. Gone are the days when running random Images found on the internet was common place. Security guides for Containers are common now: examples from Microsoft and others can be found easily online.
The two leading Container Orchestrators also offer their own security guides: Kubernetes Security Best Practices and Docker security.

Container Image Origin

One of the single biggest factors in Container security is determined by the origin of container Images:

  1. It is recommended to run your own private Registry to distribute Images
  2. It is recommended to scan these Images against known vulnerabilities.
[Keep reading] “Static Security Analysis of Container Images with CoreOS Clair”

Certificate Management using PowerShell and Lambda Functions

Certificate Management

1. Why Certificate Management is required.

Certificates installed on client machines are one of the critical resources in the client’s infrastructure. Monitoring certificates is critical to any company willing to successfully provide Certificate Management service. The process of manually reporting certificate details is tedious is time consuming, so it better to automate it.
The following document will explain the steps to configure AWS services to provide certificate management for customers with AWS hosted infrastructure.… [Keep reading] “Certificate Management using PowerShell and Lambda Functions”

Google Cloud Platform: an entrée

The recent opening of a Google Cloud Platform region in Sydney about 2 months ago triggered my interest in learning more about the platform and understand how their offering would affect the local market moving forward.
So far, I have concentrated mainly on GCPs IaaS offering by digging information out of videos, documentation and venturing through the portal and Cloud Shell. I would like to share my first findings and highlight a few features that, in my opinion, make it worth having a closer look.[Keep reading] “Google Cloud Platform: an entrée”

The Vault!

The vault or more precisely the “Identity Vault” is a single pane view of all the collated data of your users, from the various data source repositories. This sounds like a lot of jargon but it’s quite simple really.
In the diagram below we look at a really simple attribute firstName (givenName within AD) DataFlow
As you will see at the centre is the attribute, and branching off this is all the Connected Systems, i.e. Active Directory.… [Keep reading] “The Vault!”

Running Containers on Azure

Running Containers in public cloud environments brings advantages beyond the realm of “fat” virtual machines: easy deployments through a registry of Images, better use of resources, orchestration are but a few examples.
Azure is embracing containers in a big way (Brendan Burns, one of the primary instigators of Kubernetes while at Google, joined Microsoft last year which might have contributed to it!)
Running Containers nowadays is almost always synonymous with running an orchestrator which allows for automatic deployments of multi-Container workloads.… [Keep reading] “Running Containers on Azure”