Developing and configuring Multi-tenant applications using AngularJs, WebAPI and Azure Active Directory

In this post, I am going to share my experience about publishing multi-tenant applications in Azure Active Directory where Azure Active Directory’s role is OAuth server.

You can read more about OAuth2.0 at . I am going to use implicit flow where client is an un-trusted application. For instance AngularJs application or phone application etc. Why these clients are called un-trusted because they cannot hide the secrets given/shared by OAuth server.

Let’s have a look at OAuth 2.0 actors in implicit flow.… [Keep reading] “Developing and configuring Multi-tenant applications using AngularJs, WebAPI and Azure Active Directory”

Implementing Gradient Descent Algorithm in Hadoop for large scale data

In this post I will be exploring how can we use MapReduce to implement Gradient Descent algorithm in Hadoop for large scale data. As we know Hadoop is capable of handling peta-byte scale/size of the data.

Before starting, first we need to understand what is Gradient Descent and where can we use it. Below is an excerpt from Wikipedia:

Gradient descent is a first-order iterative optimization algorithm. To find a local minimum of a function using gradient descent, one takes steps proportional to the negative of the gradient (or of the approximate gradient) of the function at the current point.… [Keep reading] “Implementing Gradient Descent Algorithm in Hadoop for large scale data”

Implement a SharePoint Timer job using Azure WebJob

The SharePoint Timer service runs in background to do long running tasks. The Timer service does some important SharePoint clean up tasks in the background but can also be used to provide useful functional tasks. For instance, there may be  a situation when you want to send newsletters to your users on regular basis or want to keep your customer up to date with  some regular timed information.

I will be using SharePoint Timer Service to send an email to newly registered customers/users for this demo.… [Keep reading] “Implement a SharePoint Timer job using Azure WebJob”