Windows Intune Agent Update Coming April 23rd, 2014

Windows Intune will be releasing an update to the anti-malware agent beginning on 23/4/2014. The service regularly releases anti-malware platform updates to guarantee consistency in protection, performance, robustness, and usability in a malware landscape that is constantly changing.

Since this is an agent update, computers may have to be restarted after the update is applied; in most cases however, a reboot is not required.

Are My Cloud Services Vulnerable to “Heartbleed”?

I have been receiving questions from a number of customers about the “Heartbleed” vulnerability that has been widely reported by the media.  Many customers are concerned as to whether they are at risk by using cloud services from Microsoft and other providers.  There a reasonable concern with any IT service when it comes to security.  Your provider should be able to answer simple questions about whether a service is vulnerable or not to Heartbleed and what steps are being taken to mitigate the risk.… [Keep reading] “Are My Cloud Services Vulnerable to “Heartbleed”?”

Secure File Sharing with OneDrive for Business

Many customer today find it convenient and useful to store their files in the cloud.  There are many companies who provide solutions in this space such as Microsoft (OneDrive), Dropbox, and Google Drive.  The benefits of cloud storage are:

1) Easy access to your files from any location and any device

2) Reduces the risk of data loss if your device is lost or stolen

3) Cheap and easy to use

The downside of cloud storage is that it requires that your device is connected to the Internet in order to access your files. … [Keep reading] “Secure File Sharing with OneDrive for Business”

Protect Your Identity in the Cloud With Multi-Factor Authentication

Multi-factor authentication is now available for both administrator and end user accounts.  This service is now available Office 365, Windows Intune, and Microsoft Azure.

One of the risks of cloud technologies is that they are accessible from anywhere.  This means that any hacker can try to log into your account from anywhere in the world.  User names are usually public and widely known (i.e. an email address).  The only thing standing between the hacker and your personal data is a password. … [Keep reading] “Protect Your Identity in the Cloud With Multi-Factor Authentication”

Why You Should Move Your IT to the Cloud

​Cloud Computing is a revolutionizing the way IT is delivered.  Today, business of all sizes rely on IT to operate effectively.  IT is mission critical.  Unfortunately, very few enterprises can afford the operational costs required to deliver a highly available IT environment.

The Cloud is changing the economics of delivering IT.  Now, businesses of all sizes can subscribe to a highly reliable, elastic, cloud service for a fraction of the cost of running the infrastructure on premises. … [Keep reading] “Why You Should Move Your IT to the Cloud”

Office Click-To-Run 2.0

​I receive a lot of questions on the benefits of upgrading to new versions of Office.  Many people feel that they only use very basic features of Office.  Therefore, there is no real benefit of upgrading because they will not use any of the new features.  It is true that there are some advanced new features in Office 2013 that may not be of interest to the average user, there are some great new capabilities from which EVERY user can benefit.… [Keep reading] “Office Click-To-Run 2.0”

End of Life for Office 2003

Every software vendor has a support lifecycle for its products. They release a product and then provide updates and support for a period of time. At the end of the support lifecycle, customers need to upgrade to a newer version in order to continue receiving support from the vendor.

Microsoft’s standard software lifecycle is 10 years for most of their products. This includes 5 years of mainstream support and 5 years of extended support. In some cases, Microsoft will continue support for longer than 10 years in response to a particular situation.… [Keep reading] “End of Life for Office 2003”