Beer Styles Added to Azure Table Service.PNG

Leveraging the Azure Functions Table Storage Output Binding with PowerShell

Recently I wrote this post on using PowerShell to bulk load data into Azure Table Service. Whilst this method works great it does rely on the AzureRM PowerShell module to provide the ability to batch ingest data into Azure Table Service.

I’m working on a solution that requires levels of automation to obtain data from events from Microsoft Graph and ingest that data into Azure Table Service. That doesn’t work with the AzureRM PowerShell Module.

Azure Functions provide additional Bindings for Input and Output, but I’d never had the need to spend the time working it out how to output to Azure Table Storage (with PowerShell).… [Keep reading] “Leveraging the Azure Functions Table Storage Output Binding with PowerShell”

Retrieve Office 365 audit logs using Office Management API and Azure Functions

For creating custom reports on Office 365 content, the best approach is to fetch the Audit data from Office 365 Management Audit log, store it in a custom database and then create reports through it. In an earlier blog here, we looked at steps to retrieve Office 365 Audit log data using PowerShell. In this blog, we look at a similar process to gather audit data by using Office 365 Management API in Azure Functions.… [Keep reading] “Retrieve Office 365 audit logs using Office Management API and Azure Functions”

Low-Cost Rate Limiting for Azure Functions APIs with API Management’s Consumption Tier

Azure Functions can be used as a lightweight platform for building APIs. They support a number of helpful features for API developers including custom routes and a variety of output bindings that can implement complex business rules. They also have a consumption-based pricing model, which provides a low-cost, pay-per-use pricing model while you have low levels of traffic, but can scale or burst for higher levels of demand.

The Azure Functions platform also provides Azure Functions Proxies, which gives another set of features to further extend APIs built on top of Azure Functions.… [Keep reading] “Low-Cost Rate Limiting for Azure Functions APIs with API Management’s Consumption Tier”

Integration Testing Timer-Triggered Precompiled v2 Azure Functions

In a recent post, I described a way to run integration tests against precompiled C# Azure Functions using the v2 runtime. In that post, we looked at an example of invoking an HTTP-triggered function from within an integration test.

Of course, there are plenty of other triggers available for Azure Functions too. Recently I needed to write an integration test against a timer-triggered function and decided to investigate the best way to do this.

The Azure Functions runtime provides a convenient API for invoking a timer-trigger function.… [Keep reading] “Integration Testing Timer-Triggered Precompiled v2 Azure Functions”

Integration Testing Precompiled v2 Azure Functions

Azure Functions code can often contain important functionality that needs to be tested. The two most common ways of testing code are unit testing and integration testing. Unit testing runs pieces of code in isolation, and this is relatively simple to do with Azure Functions. Integration testing can be a little trickier though, and I haven’t found any good documentation about how do this with version 2 of the Functions runtime. In this post I’ll outline the approach I’m using to run integration tests against my Azure Functions v2 code.… [Keep reading] “Integration Testing Precompiled v2 Azure Functions”

Dependency Injection In Azure Functions V2

With the Azure Functions v2 runtime, supporting .NET Core it has become easier to do dependency injection. It can be done in a similar way that ASP.NET Core does via Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.

ASP.NET Core encourages the use of dependency injection by the built-in DI container. This feature of ASP.NET Core is very handy as many extensions such as logging and configuration via IOptions pattern are registered using during startup in Startup.cs. ASP.NET Core registers these services, along with any custom services you need using the built-in DI container via IServiceCollection.… [Keep reading] “Dependency Injection In Azure Functions V2”

Set up Accounts and secure passwords to run automation workloads in Azure Functions

In some of my previous blogs here, we have seen how we could use Azure Functions to to automate processes and SharePoint workloads.

Most of these jobs run using elevated or stored privileged accounts as the Azure Function is in a different context than the user context. There are various ways we could setup these accounts. Some of these approaches are below:

  1. Azure AD Service Accounts
    • Suitable for all operations
    • Need access to resource
    • Reusable across multiple workloads
  2. Azure AD Apps
    • Suitable for Graph Access
    • Need exact permissions set up
    • Might need Tenant Admin authentication
  3. SharePoint App Accounts
    • Suitable for SharePoint workloads.
[Keep reading] “Set up Accounts and secure passwords to run automation workloads in Azure Functions”

Provisioning complex Modern Sites with Azure Functions and Flow – Part 3 – Post Provisioning Site Configuration

In the previous two blogs part 1 and part 2, we looked at steps to create a Modern team site and apply a custom provisioning template to it. In this blog, we will have a look at the steps for the post provisioning process to implement site specific requirements. Some of them could be:

1. Apply default values to list fields
2. Create a bunch of default folders
3. Manage Security groups (SP level) and permission level.… [Keep reading] “Provisioning complex Modern Sites with Azure Functions and Flow – Part 3 – Post Provisioning Site Configuration”

Deploying Azure Functions with ARM Templates

There are many different ways in which an Azure Function can be deployed. In a future blog post I plan to go through the whole list. There is one deployment method that isn’t commonly known though, and it’s of particular interest to those of us who use ARM templates to deploy our Azure infrastructure. Before I describe it, I’ll quickly recap ARM templates.

ARM Templates

Azure Resource Manager (ARM) templates are JSON files that describe the state of a resource group.… [Keep reading] “Deploying Azure Functions with ARM Templates”

Provisioning complex Modern Sites with Azure Functions and Flow – Part 2 – Create and Apply Template

In the previous blog here, we got an overview of the high level Architecture of a Complex Modern team site provisioning process. In this blog, we will look at the step 1 of the process – Create and Apply template process, in detail.
Before that, below are few links to earlier blogs, as a refresher, to prerequisties for the blog.

  1. Set up a Graph App to call Graph Service using App ID and Secret – link
  2. Sequencing HTTP Trigger Azure Functions for simultaneous calls – link
  3. Adding and Updating owners using Microsoft Graph Async calls – link

The Create and Apply Template process aims at the following
1. … [Keep reading] “Provisioning complex Modern Sites with Azure Functions and Flow – Part 2 – Create and Apply Template”