I’ve just recently come across an issue when performing the upgrade procedure for the Microsoft Azure Directory Sync tool with a remote SQL database. The procedure seems simple enough at first glance and is documented here.

To break down the process it is only a few simple steps:

Install the new dirsync –

Dirsync.exe /fullsql

Click next on the upgrade wizard until complete

Run Powershell –

Import-Module DirSync

Run the following PowerShell cmdlet to update the backend database –

Install-OnlineCoexistenceTool -UseSQLServer –SqlServer <ServerName> -Upgrade -Verbose -ServiceCredential (Get-Credential)

The Issue

This particular issue will occur during the upgrade procedure on the PowerShell step Install-OnlineCoexistenceTool with the following error –

VERBOSE: Running InstallOnlineCoexistenceTool in Upgrade mode.

Install-OnlineCoexistenceTool : The SQL Server Instance specified during an upgrade must match the previously

configured SQL Server Instance. Expected SQL parameter for upgrade were Server: Instance:

At line:1 char:1

+ Install-OnlineCoexistenceTool -UseSQLServer -SqlServer servername …

+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

+ CategoryInfo : InvalidOperation: (Microsoft.Onlin…CoexistenceTool:InstallOnlineCoexistenceTool) [Inst

all-OnlineCoexistenceTool], DirectorySyncInstallException

+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : 201,Microsoft.Online.Coexistence.PS.Install.InstallOnlineCoexistenceTool

The first time I got this error, I assumed that I had provided incorrect syntax for the cmdlet and proceeded to try every variant possible. Nothing seemed to satisfy the shell so I started to look elsewhere. Next step along the process was to go look at the possible FIM configuration settings listed in the registry that I knew of –


I found the two keys that I ‘presumed’ that the cmdlet was using for verification –

Server = <Server FQDN>

SQLInstance = <blank>

Based on these two key values I then went back to my shell and tried to enter the syntax exactly as I could see it. I thought that maybe because my ‘SQLinstance’ value was empty, PowerShell was finding it hard for me to process this in the cmdlet of a null value. To cut a long troubleshooting story short, it didn’t matter. I had stared at the cmdlet long enough and resided to the fact that it wasn’t happy about the values stored elsewhere, and I wasn’t going to find them any time soon.


There was an issue in previous versions of DirSync where the following two registry keys were not written when installed using the /FullSQL flag –



DirSync attempts to read these keys when performing the in-place upgrade to verify the SQL Server and Instance name, and then the upgrade fails when it cannot find them.


Copy value data from key –


Create a new string value of –


Paste the value data from above

Copy value data from key –


Create a new string value of –


Paste the value data from above (if any)

Note: For me this key was blank as the default instance was being used not a named instance.

Re-run cmdlet –

Install-OnlineCoexistenceTool -UseSQLServer –SqlServer <ServerName> -Upgrade -Verbose -ServiceCredential (Get-Credential)

Expected Output –

PS C:\Windows\system32> Install-OnlineCoexistenceTool -UseSQLServer -SqlServer <SQL Server NAME> -Upgrade -Verbose -ServiceCredential (Get-Credential)

cmdlet Get-Credential at command pipeline position 1

Supply values for the following parameters:


VERBOSE: Running InstallOnlineCoexistenceTool in Upgrade mode.

VERBOSE: Skipping Microsoft SQL Server 2012 SP1 Express installation.

VERBOSE: Upgrading Microsoft Forefront Identity Manager

VERBOSE: AbandonKeys: C:\Program Files\Windows Azure Active Directory Sync\SYNCBUS\Synchronization Service\Bin\miiskmu.exe /q /a

VERBOSE: AbandonKeys: C:\Program Files\Windows Azure Active Directory Sync\SYNCBUS\Synchronization Service\Bin\miiskmu.exe /q /a ExitCode:0

VERBOSE: Uninstalling msiexec.exe /quiet /l miisUninstall.log /x {C9139DEA-F758-4177-8E0F-AA5B09628136}


VERBOSE: Please wait while the Synchronization Engine is uninstalled.

VERBOSE: The Synchronization Engine was successfully removed. Msiexec /x returned 0.

VERBOSE: Installing msiexec.exe /quiet /l “C:\Program Files\Windows Azure Active Directory Sync\miissetup.log” /i “C:\Program Files\Windows Azure Active Directory Sync\SynchronizationService.msi” INSTALLDIR=”C:\Program Files\Windows Azure Active Directory Sync\SYNCBUS” storeserver=<servername> serviceaccount=<credentials> servicedomain=<domain> groupadmins=FIMSyncAdmins groupoperators=FIMSyncOperators groupbrowse=FIMSyncBrowse groupaccountjoiners=FIMSyncJoiners grouppasswordset=FIMSyncPasswordSet servicepassword=<Hidden>


VERBOSE: Please wait while the Synchronization Engine is installed.

VERBOSE: The installation of the Synchronization Engine was successful. Setup returned 0.

VERBOSE: The Synchronization Engine was installed successfully.

VERBOSE: Installing msiexec.exe /quiet /lv “C:\Program Files\Windows Azure Active Directory Sync\MSOIDCRLSetup.log” /i “C:\Program Files\Windows Azure Active Directory Sync\Msoidcli.msi” REBOOT=ReallySuppress…

VERBOSE: Please wait while the Microsoft Online Services Sign-in Assistant service is being installed.

VERBOSE: The Microsoft Online Services Sign-in Assistant service installation succeeded. Setup returned 0.

VERBOSE: The Microsoft Online Services Sign-in Assistant service was installed successfully.

VERBOSE: Installing msiexec.exe /quiet /lv “C:\Program Files\Windows Azure Active Directory Sync\dirsyncUpgrade.log” /i “C:\Program Files\Windows Azure Active Directory Sync\DirectorySync.msi” TARGETDIR=”C:\Program Files\Windows Azure Active Directory Sync\” REBOOT=ReallySuppress…

VERBOSE: Please wait while the Directory Sync tool is installed.

VERBOSE: The Directory Synchronization tool install succeeded. Setup returned 0.

VERBOSE: The Directory Synchronization tool was installed successfully.


Once again we must make a big thankyou to Yaran at Microsoft PSS for helping me resolve this issue.

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