Is Your Serverless Application Testable? – Azure Functions

In this post, I’m going to introduce several design patterns when we write Azure Functions codes in C#, by considering full testabilities.

Sample codes used in this post can be found here.

User Story

  • As a DevOps engineer,
  • I want to search ARM templates using Azure Functions
  • So that I can browse the search result.

Basic Function Code

We assume that we have a basic structure that Azure Functions can use.… [Keep reading] “Is Your Serverless Application Testable? – Azure Functions”

Testing Precompiled Azure Functions

Azure Functions has recently added a new feature that allows precompiled assembly to run functions. This gives us a great confidence with regards to unit testing. In this post, we are walking through how to unit test functions with ease, like which we do tests everyday.

The sample code used in this post can be found at HERE.

Function without Dependency

We’re not digging down precompiled function too much as it’s on the document.… [Keep reading] “Testing Precompiled Azure Functions”

Mocking ADAL for Unit Tests

Active Directory Authentication Library (ADAL) provides developers with great experiences to easily integrate Azure Active Directory (AAD) with their application for authentication and authorisation. With minimum efforts, we can implement OAuth authentication against AAD, using ADAL. However, in the unit testing world, it’s not that easy to test application when the application uses ADAL because ADAL is not unit-testable. We don’t test ADAL itself, but we do need mock it to test applications using ADAL. In this post, we are going to implement how to implement wrapper classes for ADAL’s AuthenticationContext, AuthenticationResult and DeviceCodeResult.… [Keep reading] “Mocking ADAL for Unit Tests”