VSCode Virtual Environments using your Browser

It’s no secret I’m a huge fan of virtual environments and PowerShell. Late last year I wrote this series on Nested Virtual PowerShell Desktop Environments on Windows 10 & Windows Server 2019 in Azure A lot of the back story for that three post series was to have virtual environments for PowerShell.

Moving forward six months and I’m at the beginning of the journey towards migrating from PowerShell Desktop to PowerShell Core. The quickest way to get started with PowerShell Core is to use the Windows 10 feature of Windows Subsystem for Linux.… [Keep reading] “VSCode Virtual Environments using your Browser”

Getting started with Ubuntu on Windows (Windows Subsystem for Linux)

This week I was building in Azure a Linux Server (Ubuntu 14). I’d deployed my new Ubuntu Server and I went to connect to it. But I was on a brand new laptop. No tools with SSH installed. Damn. As I was about to go and get my usual windows favorite SSH tools I remembered a session of Build 2017 and Microsoft starting to talk more loudly about Windows Subsystem for Linux. Yes, Ubuntu on Windows, with SUSE and Fedora coming soon.… [Keep reading] “Getting started with Ubuntu on Windows (Windows Subsystem for Linux)”

Ubuntu security hardening for the cloud.

Hardening Ubuntu Server Security For Use in the Cloud

The following describes a few simple means of improving Ubuntu Server security for use in the cloud. Many of the optimizations discussed below apply equally to other Linux based distribution although the commands and settings will vary somewhat.

Azure cloud specific recommendations

  1. Use private key and certificate based SSH authentication exclusively and never use passwords.
  2. Never employ common usernames such as root , admin or administrator.
  3. Change the default public SSH port away from 22.
[Keep reading] “Hardening Ubuntu Server Security For Use in the Cloud”

Performance Tuning Ubuntu Server For Use in Azure cloud

The following describes how to performance tune Ubuntu Server virtual machines for use in Azure. Although this article focuses on Ubuntu Server because it’s better established in Azure at this time. It’s worth mentioning that Debian offers better performance and stability overall, albeit at the cost of some of the more recent functionality support available in Ubuntu. Regardless many of the optimizations discussed below apply equally to both although commands and settings may vary occasionally.

Best practice recommendations from Microsoft.… [Keep reading] “Performance Tuning Ubuntu Server For Use in Azure cloud”

Deploy Hardened HA-Proxy Azure VM from VM Depot (Microsoft Open Technologies)

In this post, we will discuss how to deploy various VM image developed by community from VM Depot (Microsoft Open Technologies).

Microsoft Azure Cross Platform Command Line (X-Plat CLI)

I blogged Microsoft Azure Cross Platform Command Line previously. This post will continue to explore Microsoft dedication on Open-Source technologies.

Firstly let’s prepare quickly our tools to run Azure X-Plat CLI:

1. I am using my Windows machine. I run my Azure Command Prompt or You can use node.js[Keep reading] “Deploy Hardened HA-Proxy Azure VM from VM Depot (Microsoft Open Technologies)”