Psychodynamics: Are We Smarter Than The Device?


How did you know about this blog post?

It’s likely that you were notified by your smartphone or device, the notification itself as a part of trundle that you’re figuratively swiping left in-between email reminders about upcoming events and direct messages from your favourite social media. Or you were trawling your usual network feeds for updates to catch your attention.
Now if you were to time the window in which you check your smart device again for notifications, new messages or general updates, I’d bet that this window would be within a minute or just outside of it, and would require no prompting whatsoever… much like, say, breathing?… [Keep reading] “Psychodynamics: Are We Smarter Than The Device?”

Social Engineering Is A Threat To Your Organisation

Of the many attacks, hacks and exploits perpetrated against organisations. One of the most common vulnerabilities businesses face and need to guard against is the result of the general goodness or weakness, depending on how you choose to look at it, of our human natures exploited through means of social engineering.
Social engineering is a very common problem in cyber security. It consists of the simple act of getting an individual to unwittingly perform an unsanctioned or undersirable action under false pretenses.… [Keep reading] “Social Engineering Is A Threat To Your Organisation”