Enterprise-ready testing in Xamarin

As focus moves towards mobile-first development, enterprise developers should also focus on automated testing. In an enterprise setting, we like to test for merge conflicts, sync issues, authentication failures, etc and we need to test this on hundreds of devices.
In this post, we will look at how we can set UI test project and application code so that we can test against scenarios that we face in a real-life situation (no connection, sync issues, authentication failures).… [Keep reading] “Enterprise-ready testing in Xamarin”

Deserialising .NET Core Configuration Settings

With System.Configuration.dll, we can add custom configSections into either App.config or Web.config files so that we can utilise strongly-typed configuration objects. On the other hand, .NET Core applications have replaced those App.config or Web.config with appsettings.json, which is more convenient for developers to use, especially for dependency injection (DI). In this post, we are going to walkthrough how we can deserialise the appsettings.json for DI purpose.


When we create an ASP.NET Core web application, we have a basic appsettings.json[Keep reading] “Deserialising .NET Core Configuration Settings”

Continuous Deployment on Visual Studio Team Services for .NET Core Applications

This post is going to talk about continuous deployment on Visual Studio Team Services (VSTS) for .NET Core applications. With VSTS, we can manage projects, codes, builds, tests, and releases. However, it doesn’t fully support .NET Core applications at the time of this writing. More specifically, all necessary environment has been ready but the official build steps by Microsoft are not ready. Therefore, we’re writing our own PowerShell scripts for both continuous integration (CI) and continuous deployment (CD), and integrate them with VSTS build/release pipelines.… [Keep reading] “Continuous Deployment on Visual Studio Team Services for .NET Core Applications”

Azure WebJobs with .NET Core RC2

With .NET Core RC2, publishing Azure WebJob is a little bit different from the traditional(?) way, even it’s different from what RC1 does. In this post, we’ll walk through how to publish Azure WebJob using a .NET Core RC2 console application.

Sample code can be found at https://github.com/devkimchi/.NET-Core-for-Azure-WebJob-Sample.

Sample Hello World Console Application

OK. First thing’s first. Let’s create a console app using .NET Core RC2. Take the latest copy from the repository above and build it on your local machine.… [Keep reading] “Azure WebJobs with .NET Core RC2”

Building .NET Core Application on Amazon Linux

In order to run .NET applications on Linux operating systems, Mono used to be the only option. Now, Microsoft has released .NET Core that can build and run .NET applications on any OS including Windows, OSX and Linux. In this post, we are going to install both .NET Core Framework RC1 and RC2, build and run a simple Hello World application, and compare RC1 to RC2.

Installing .NET Core RC1

By following the official document, Installing ASP.NET[Keep reading] “Building .NET Core Application on Amazon Linux”