Microsoft Graph using MSAL with PowerShell

Microsoft Authentication Libraries (MSAL) became Generally Available in May 2019 after a very long preview cycle whilst the libraries evolved to reach parity with its predecessor the Azure Active Directory Authentication Libraries (ADAL). I’ve previously used and written posts on leveraging ADAL libraries with PowerShell for Azure AD/Microsoft Graph integration using PowerShell. With some upcoming projects it’s time for me to start integrating with Microsoft Graph using MSAL with PowerShell. This post details how I transitioned from ADAL to MSAL and reduced my scripts by 60-300 lines depending on the integration.… [Keep reading] “Microsoft Graph using MSAL with PowerShell”

Azure AD/Active Directory User Security Evaluation Reporter

During December 2018 – February 2019 Microsoft have run an online Microsoft Graph Security Hackathon on Devpost.

The criteria of the hackathon was;

  • Build or update a functioning Microsoft Graph-powered solution that leverages the Microsoft Graph Security API

Following the announcement of the Hackathon I was encouraged by Kloud management to enter. During the busy month of December I started to formulate a concept for entry in the Hackathon taking learnings from the hackathon I entered in 2018.… [Keep reading] “Azure AD/Active Directory User Security Evaluation Reporter”

Batching Microsoft Graph API Requests with JSON Batching and PowerShell

Late in 2018 it came to my attention new functionality with the Microsoft Graph API for batching API requests into a single request. As I predominantly use PowerShell for scripting into Microsoft Graph parallel requests historically required extra functions to achieve something similar. Use of Invoke-Parallel for instance, that I’ve previously discussed in posts such as How to create an Azure Function App to Simultaneously Start|Stop all Virtual Machines in a Resource Group.

Fast forward to 2019 and I’ve been building a bunch of reports from Microsoft Graph that aggregate data from multiple API endpoints such as /users /auditLogs and /security .… [Keep reading] “Batching Microsoft Graph API Requests with JSON Batching and PowerShell”

Microsoft Graph and the $whatIf option

What we know today as the Microsoft Graph has evolved over the last few years from a number of different API’s that were developed by different product teams within Microsoft (e.g Azure AD, Office 365, Outlook). That doesn’t mean the old ones have gone away, but it does mean that we can connect to the Microsoft Graph API and leverage the API’s we used to interface with independently.

What this means is, where information is actually coming from is obfuscated.… [Keep reading] “Microsoft Graph and the $whatIf option”

Set up a Microsoft Graph App for Office 365 and SharePoint Online management to use in Azure Functions, Flow, .Net solutions and much more

Microsoft Graph API can be used to connect and manage the Office 365 SaaS platforms such as SharePoint Online, Office 365 Groups, One Drive, OneNote, Azure AD, Teams (in beta) and much more.
A Graph app is an Azure AD app that has privileges (with provided permissions) to authenticate and then execute operations when using PowerShell, Azure Functions, Flow, Office Online CSOM, SharePoint Online and many other tools.
It is quite easy to set up a graph app, below is a brief preview of the process.… [Keep reading] “Set up a Microsoft Graph App for Office 365 and SharePoint Online management to use in Azure Functions, Flow, .Net solutions and much more”

How to create an AzureAD Microsoft Identity Manager Management Agent using the MS GraphAPI and Differential Queries


In August 2016 I wrote this post on how to use PowerShell to leverage the Microsoft GraphAPI and use Differential Queries. The premise behind that post was I required a Microsoft Identity Manager Management Agent to synchronize identity information from AzureAD into Microsoft Identity Manager. However the environment it was intended for has a large AzureAD implementation and performing a Full Sync every-time is just to time consuming. Even more so with this limitation that still exists today in MIM 2016 with SP1.… [Keep reading] “How to create an AzureAD Microsoft Identity Manager Management Agent using the MS GraphAPI and Differential Queries”

Implementing Application with Office 365 Graph API in App-only Mode

Microsoft has recently release Microsoft Graph to easily integrate Office 365 resources with applications. Graph API basically provides one single endpoint to call bunch of Web APIs to get access Office 365 resources.

In order to use Graph API from another application, the application must be registered in Azure Active Directory (AAD) first. When the application is registered, we can choose how the application is permitted to use resources – application permissions or delegate permissions. The latter one typically requires users to provide user credentials like username and password to get a proper access token.… [Keep reading] “Implementing Application with Office 365 Graph API in App-only Mode”