Creating an AzureAD WebApp using PowerShell to leverage Certificate Based Authentication


Previously I’ve posted about using PowerShell to access the Microsoft AzureAD/Graph API in a number of different ways. Two such examples I’ve listed below. The first uses a Username and Password method for Authentication, whilst the second uses a registered application and therefore ClientID and Client Secret.

As time has gone on I have numerous WebApp’s doing all sorts of automation.… [Keep reading] “Creating an AzureAD WebApp using PowerShell to leverage Certificate Based Authentication”

WORKAROUND / FIX: Login to Azure with certificate as Service Principal

This blog post describes my recent experience with an Azure AD service principal authentication with a certificate. The process is well documented and seemed quite straightforward, however this was not my experience.

The issue

I was able to successfully follow the process to setup Azure AD service principal until the step where I granted the service principal with a role (using PS cmdlets). When I tried to login as the service principal, I encountered the issue below.… [Keep reading] “WORKAROUND / FIX: Login to Azure with certificate as Service Principal”

SSL SAN Certificate Request and Import from PowerShell

Updated 5 August 2013: allow wildcard subject names e.g. “CN=*” which get written to disk as ‘star.domain’ e.g. ‘’

Automating a certificate request with PowerShell should not be hard – but it is. Exchange has had offline certificate requests with New-ExchangeCertificate since PowerShell was introduced with Exchange 2007. Lync has had online certificate requests using Request-CsCertificate since Lync 2010 and GUI based online requests from the OCS days. I had a requirement to script the request, issuing and importing of a certificate request including multiple domain SAN (Subject Alternate Name) entries.… [Keep reading] “SSL SAN Certificate Request and Import from PowerShell”