How to use the FIM/MIM Azure Graph Management Agent for B2B Member/Guest Sync between Azure Tenants


UPDATE: August 2018
As promised below I've finally written up my 
Azure AD B2B Invitation Management Agent. 
You can find it in this post here.

UPDATE: June 2018
When I originally wrote this post the intent was to test
the ability of the Graph MA to export to Azure AD. 
That works.

That then extended to messing with an identity type other 
than member (which works to an extent) but I detailed 
guests. However that is incomplete.
[Keep reading] “How to use the FIM/MIM Azure Graph Management Agent for B2B Member/Guest Sync between Azure Tenants”

A quick start guide to leveraging the Azure Graph API with PowerShell and oAuth 2.0

Update Oct 2019: See this post for simplifying oAuth Authentication to Microsoft Graph using PowerShell and the MSAL (Microsoft Authentication Libraries)


In September 2016 I wrote this post detailing integrating with the Azure Graph API via PowerShell and oAuth 2.0.

Since that point in time I’ve found myself doing considerably more via PowerShell and the Graph API using oAuth. I regularly find myself leveraging previous scripts to generate a new script for the initial connection.… [Keep reading] “A quick start guide to leveraging the Azure Graph API with PowerShell and oAuth 2.0”

Enumerating all Users/Groups/Contacts in an Azure tenant using PowerShell and the Azure Graph API ‘odata.nextLink’ paging function

Recently I posted about using PowerShell and the Azure Active Directory Authentication Library to connect to Azure AD here. Whilst that post detailed performing simple tasks like updating an attribute on a user, in this post I’ll use the same method to connect to Azure AD via PowerShell but cover;

  • enumerate users, contacts or groups
  • where the number of objects is greater than the maximum results per page, get all remaining pages of results
  • limit results based on filters

The premise of my script was one that could just be executed without prompts.… [Keep reading] “Enumerating all Users/Groups/Contacts in an Azure tenant using PowerShell and the Azure Graph API ‘odata.nextLink’ paging function”

Adding/Removing User Office365 Licences using PowerShell and the Azure AD Graph RestAPI

In a recent blog post here I posted about the Azure AD v2.0 Preview Powershell cmdlets that are currently in preview. These update the functionality the current MSOL cmdlets provide whilst also supporting features they don’t (such as managing users with MFA).

The Azure AD v2.0 cmdlets interface with the Azure AD Graph API and this week I tried using the Set-AzureADUserLicense cmdlet to add/remove licenses from users in a test tenant. With no sample documentation for syntax I didn’t kick any goals so I figured I’d just go straight to using the Azure AD Graph API to get the job done direct from Powershell instead.… [Keep reading] “Adding/Removing User Office365 Licences using PowerShell and the Azure AD Graph RestAPI”