Tag EBS Volumes with EC2 Instance Name

AWS environment, there is no automation process to update or create EC2 Server-Name Tags (ex: Tag{key}: Name  Tag{Value}:  ABCSRV001) into attached EBS volumes. The  “Name” tag has to be created manually in volumes.  This is an issue when try to identify  which ec2 instance is, or was, associated with the volume. You should use an Instance ID all the time to search the volume.

Also, this is an issue in CPM backups to identify snapshots due to missing “Name” Tag in EBS Volumes.… [Keep reading] “Tag EBS Volumes with EC2 Instance Name”

Disk Space Reporting through Lamba Functions- Windows servers

Solution Objective:

The solution provides detailed report related to hard disk space for all the Windows Ec2 instances in the AWS environment.


Mentioned below are the requirements the solution should be able to fulfil.

  • Gather information related to all mount points in all the Windows EC2 instances in the environment.
  • Able to generate cumulative report based on all instances in the environment.

3. Assumptions:

The following assumptions are considered

  • All the EC2 instances have SSM agent installed.
[Keep reading] “Disk Space Reporting through Lamba Functions- Windows servers”

Replacing the service desk with bots using Amazon Lex and Amazon Connect (Part 3)

Hopefully you’ve had the chance to follow along in parts 1 and 2 where we set up our Lex chatbot to take and validate input. In this blog, we’ll interface with our Active Directory environment to perform the password reset function. To do this, we need to create a Lambda function that will be used as the logic to fulfil the user’s intent. The Lambda function will be packaged with the python LDAP library to modify the AD password attribute for the user.… [Keep reading] “Replacing the service desk with bots using Amazon Lex and Amazon Connect (Part 3)”

Certificate Management using PowerShell and Lambda Functions

Certificate Management

1. Why Certificate Management is required.

Certificates installed on client machines are one of the critical resources in the client’s infrastructure. Monitoring certificates is critical to any company willing to successfully provide Certificate Management service. The process of manually reporting certificate details is tedious is time consuming, so it better to automate it.
The following document will explain the steps to configure AWS services to provide certificate management for customers with AWS hosted infrastructure.… [Keep reading] “Certificate Management using PowerShell and Lambda Functions”

Code Management in Serverless Computing – AWS Lambda and Azure Functions

In the Serverless world, we don’t need to setup server. We just take care of codes (called functions). However, one of the major drawbacks of the current FaaS (Function as a Service) providers in the Serverless world is they support lack of code management features. In this post, we’ll compare both AWS Lambda (Lambda) and Azure Functions (Functions) in regards to the source code management.

AWS Lambda

Lambda doesn’t natively support code management.… [Keep reading] “Code Management in Serverless Computing – AWS Lambda and Azure Functions”

Building .NET Core Application on Amazon Linux

In order to run .NET applications on Linux operating systems, Mono used to be the only option. Now, Microsoft has released .NET Core that can build and run .NET applications on any OS including Windows, OSX and Linux. In this post, we are going to install both .NET Core Framework RC1 and RC2, build and run a simple Hello World application, and compare RC1 to RC2.

Installing .NET Core RC1

By following the official document, Installing ASP.NET[Keep reading] “Building .NET Core Application on Amazon Linux”