ASP.NET Core Tips & Tricks – Global Exception Handling

Exception handling is one of most important but irritating jobs for developers. There are tons of articles about the importance of exception handling. Fortunately, ASP.NET Core application has got a lot of improvement for exception handling through the request/response pipeline. In this article, we’re going to have a brief look how we can handle exceptions.

Sample application can be found here:

Global Exception Filter – OWIN Pipeline

Unlike ASP.NET MVC applications, ASP.NET Core applications only use OWIN pipelines to handle requests and responses.… [Keep reading] “ASP.NET Core Tips & Tricks – Global Exception Handling”

Implementing Application with Office 365 Graph API in App-only Mode

Microsoft has recently release Microsoft Graph to easily integrate Office 365 resources with applications. Graph API basically provides one single endpoint to call bunch of Web APIs to get access Office 365 resources.

In order to use Graph API from another application, the application must be registered in Azure Active Directory (AAD) first. When the application is registered, we can choose how the application is permitted to use resources – application permissions or delegate permissions. The latter one typically requires users to provide user credentials like username and password to get a proper access token.… [Keep reading] “Implementing Application with Office 365 Graph API in App-only Mode”