Deploy VM via ARM template: Purchase eligibility failed

I recently tried to deploy a VM using an ARM template executed via PowerShell and I encountered the purchase eligibility failed error as seen below.
As I have encountered this before I ensured I accepted marketplace terms for the VM image in question using the PowerShell commands:

Get-AzureRmMarketplaceTerms -Publisher PublisherName -Product ProductName -Name Name | Set-AzureRmMarketplaceTerms -Accept

I then reattempted to deploy my VM using my ARM template and still got the same error, I even waited 24 hours and tried again with no luck.… [Keep reading] “Deploy VM via ARM template: Purchase eligibility failed”

Mixing Parameters in Logic Apps with ARM Template

One of the most irritating moments of using Azure Logic Apps is writing a HUMONGOUS JSON object that is wrapped by an ARM template. The nature of this Logic App instance inevitably requires us to mix both ARM template expressions and Workflow Definition Language (WDL) expressions. At the time of this writing, as there is no local validation tool around those two, we never know, if the Logic App instance is correctly deployed or not, until it is deployed and run.… [Keep reading] “Mixing Parameters in Logic Apps with ARM Template”

Getting Azure 99.95% SLA for Cisco FTD virtual appliances in Azure via availability sets and ARM templates

First published on Lucian’s blog at Lucian.Blog. Follow Lucian on Twitter: @LucianFrango or connect via LinkedIn: Lucian Franghiu.

In the real world there are numerous lessons learned, experiences, opinions and vendors recommendations that dictate and what constitutes “best practice” when it comes to internet edge security. It’s a can of worms that I don’t want to open as I am not claiming to be an expert in that regard. I can say that I do have enough experience to know that not having any security is a really bad idea and having bank level security for regular enterprise customers can be excessive.… [Keep reading] “Getting Azure 99.95% SLA for Cisco FTD virtual appliances in Azure via availability sets and ARM templates”

A [brief] intro to Azure Resource Visualiser (

Another week, another Azure tool that I’ve come by and thought I’d share with the masses. Though this one isn’t a major revelation or a something that I’ve added to my Chrome work profile bookmarks bar like I did with the Azure Resource Explorer (as yet, though, I may well add this in the very near future), I certainly have it bookmarked in my Azure folder in Chrome bookmarks.

When working with Azure Resource Manager templates, you’re dealing with long JSON files.… [Keep reading] “A [brief] intro to Azure Resource Visualiser (”