Be SOLID: uncle Bob

We have discussed STUPID issues in programming. The shared modules and tight coupling leads to dependency issues in design. The SOLID principles address those dependency issues in OOP.
SOLID acronym was popularized by Robert Martin as generic design principles dictated by common sense in OOP. They mainly address dependencies and tight coupling. We will discuss SOLID one by one and try to relate each of them with the underline problems and how they try to solve them.[Keep reading] “Be SOLID: uncle Bob”

HoloLens – understanding the device

HoloLens is without doubt the next coolest product launched by Microsoft after Kinect. Before understanding the device lets quickly familiarize ourselves with the domain of Mixed reality and how it is different from Virtual and Augmented reality.

VR, AR and MR

Virtual reality, the first of the lot, is a concept of creating a virtual world about the user. This means all that the user sees or hears is simulated. The concept of virtual reality is not new to us.… [Keep reading] “HoloLens – understanding the device”

Security assessment for Australia's leading professional services firm

Customer Overview

Professional services firm with global reach and deep expertise in audit and assurance, tax and advisory with a large presence in Australia.

Business Situation

A leading professional services firm was assessing new technology to drive innovative solutions and offerings as part of their digital transformation program. Having recently adopted public cloud, the organisation was looking to increase the use of public cloud to assist in delivering solutions while also realising the benefits from a cost savings and agility perspective.… [Keep reading] “Security assessment for Australia's leading professional services firm”

Don’t be STUPID: Design Principles 101

When we talk about OOP, we think of classes and classes and so on. But mostly we don’t care about being lazy. I love it when programmers are lazy. It means they will write less code doing more work (being lazy the write way). More and more people often write too much code and that’s just STUPID. Now now don’t get all worked up, it’s the reality of most of the code we see and It’s important to not be STUPID before being SOLID.[Keep reading] “Don’t be STUPID: Design Principles 101”

React – code on-demand using Code Splitting

React is a declarative, efficient, and flexible JavaScript library for building user interfaces. Code Splitting helps apps to perform well where performance is key.
Code Splitting is the concept in React that helps to load the content only when it is actually required. Instead of loading the whole app even before a user can use it, we can write code effectively that it loads only when required.
A function can import the whole module using an import statement function and returns a promise as shown below.… [Keep reading] “React – code on-demand using Code Splitting”

ADFS Service Communication Certificate Renewal Steps

Hi Guys, adfs service comprises of certificates which serve different purpose for federation service. In this blog post I will share a brief description of these certificates, their purpose and will discuss renewal process of service communication certificate.
Type of ADFS Certificates and their purpose

Certificate Type Description Purpose
Service Communication certificate
Standard Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) certificate that is used for securing communications between federation servers, clients, Web Application Proxy, and federation server proxy computers.
[Keep reading] “ADFS Service Communication Certificate Renewal Steps”

Resolving presence not up-to-date & unable to dial-in the conferences via PSTN issues Lync 2013

Recently I’ve been working with one SFB customer recently. I met some unique issue and I would like to share the experience of what I did to solve the problem
Issue Description: After SQL patching on Lync servers, all users’ presence was not up-to-date and people are unable to dial in to the scheduled conference.

when I used Lync shell moving testing user from SBA pool A to pool B on one FE server, but I checked the user pool info on the SBA pool A, the result still showed the testing user is under pool A.… [Keep reading] “Resolving presence not up-to-date & unable to dial-in the conferences via PSTN issues Lync 2013”

Resolving presence not up-to-date & unable to dial-in the conferences via PSTN issues Lync 2013

Recently I’ve been working with one SFB customer recently. I met some unique issue and I would like to share the experience of what I did to solve the problem
Issue Description: After SQL patching on Lync servers, all users’ presence was not up-to-date and people are unable to dial in to the scheduled conference.

when I used Lync shell moving testing user from SBA pool A to pool B on one FE server, but I checked the user pool info on the SBA pool A, the result still showed the testing user is under pool A.… [Keep reading] “Resolving presence not up-to-date & unable to dial-in the conferences via PSTN issues Lync 2013”

MIM2016 Upgrade Hanging on Custom Action – SetPermissionEval

I was upgrading a client’s environment from FIM2010 R2 to MIM2016, during the upgrade of the Synchronization service, the installer appeared stuck, I waited for over an hour, there was no activity and no progress update. I checked the msi installation log, and found the last activity was CustomAction = SetPermissionEval, ActionType=3073. Other than this, there was no errors or any indication of failures.
According to this TechNet article, SetPermissionEval sets access permission (ACLs) for file folders, registry, DCOM launch/access permission and WMI.… [Keep reading] “MIM2016 Upgrade Hanging on Custom Action – SetPermissionEval”

Community AppStack (Part 1) – Decentralised Realtime Chat Demo With IPFS PubSub and Cycle.js


I’ve been trying to come up with a good general-purpose tech stack for building web apps for small, local community user-bases. There are lots of great “share-economy-style” collaborative use cases at this level of organisation and I want a vehicle to test out ideas, to see what works and what doesn’t in my local area, from a social standpoint.
I obviously want to make what I develop freely available in hopes that others might contribute ideas or code and I want people to be able to trust that it does what it says on the tin to be able to use it, so everything needs to go up on github.… [Keep reading] “Community AppStack (Part 1) – Decentralised Realtime Chat Demo With IPFS PubSub and Cycle.js”