Controlling UI Elements with Sets in FIM 2010

Out of the box, FIM 2010’s methodology for handling which UI elements are visible on the FIM homepage are limited to “are you an administrator” or “are you not”. This is governed by the Usage Keyword “BasicUI”. This guide will demonstrate how you can create additional Usage Keywords tied to sets which will allow for granular control over which navigation bar and homepage elements are visible to a user.

Before we get in to how to create a Usage Keyword, let’s understand what it actually is.… [Keep reading] “Controlling UI Elements with Sets in FIM 2010”

Office 365 – AD FS 2.0 with multiple domains and subdomains

AD FS 2.0 Update Rollup 1 allows a single ADFS farm to support multiple top level domains for Office 365 federated authentication. Unfortunately, the default claim rules generated with RU1 do not support multiple top levels domains with subdomains.

“If however, you have multiple top level domains ( and and these domains also have sub domains ( and the “SupportMultipleDomain” switch will not work for the sub domains and these users will not be able to login.”

[Keep reading] “Office 365 – AD FS 2.0 with multiple domains and subdomains”

Configuring ASP.NET 4.5 for Windows Azure Active Directory

Yesterday, the Active Directory team announced the Developer Preview of Windows Azure Active Directory (AD). Windows Azure AD is Identity Management as a Service. Today, it is the identity provider for Office 365, Dynamics CRM Online, and Windows Intune. The Developer Preview enables developers to implement Web Single Sign-On (SSO) for Software as a Service, and line-of-business, and cloud applications.

With the new announcement, Vittorio Bertocci published a deep-dive article that describes Web SSO with Windows Azure AD.… [Keep reading] “Configuring ASP.NET 4.5 for Windows Azure Active Directory”