Receive Push Notifications from Microsoft Identity Manager on your Mobile/Tablet/Computer


Recently in a FIM/MIM environment a daily automated process was executing but the task it was performing was dependent on an upstream process that generates a feed, and the schedule for that feed had changed (without notice to me). Needless to say FIM/MIM wasn’t getting the information it needed to process. This got me thinking about notifications.
If you’re anything like me you probably have numerous email accounts and your subconscious has all but programmed itself to ignore “new email” notifications.… [Keep reading] “Receive Push Notifications from Microsoft Identity Manager on your Mobile/Tablet/Computer”

Set your eyes on the Target!

So in my previous posts I’ve discussed a couple of key points in what I define as the basic principles of Identity and Access Management;

Now that we have all the information needed, we can start to look at your target systems. Now in the simplest terms this could be your local Active Directory (Authentication Domain), but this could be anything, and with the adoption of cloud services, often these target systems are what drives the need for robust IAM services.… [Keep reading] “Set your eyes on the Target!”

What's a DEA?

In my last post I made a reference to a “Data Exchange Agreement” or DEA, and I’ve since been asked a couple of times about this. So I thought it would be worth while writing a post about what it is, why it’s of value to you and to your business.
So what’s a DEA? Well in simply terms it’s exactly what the name states, it’s an agreement that defines the parameters in which data is exchanged between Service A and Service B. … [Keep reading] “What's a DEA?”

Synchronizing Passwords from Active Directory to the IBM/Lotus Domino Identity Vault using Microsoft Identity Manager – Part 3


As the title suggests this is Part 3, and the final part in a three-part post on configuring FIM/MIM to synchronise users passwords from AD to the Domino ID Vault via PCNS and FIM/MIM.
Part 1 here detailed the creation of a PowerShell Management Agent to join users from Domino to the MIM Sync Metaverse.
Part 2 here detailed the creation and configuration of the Domino Agents to receive password changes via the PS MA into the ID Vault.… [Keep reading] “Synchronizing Passwords from Active Directory to the IBM/Lotus Domino Identity Vault using Microsoft Identity Manager – Part 3”

UPDATED: Identifying Active Directory Users with Pwned Passwords using Microsoft/Forefront Identity Manager

Earlier this week I posted this blog post that showed a working example of using a custom Pwned Password FIM/MIM Management Agent to flag a boolean attribute in the MIM Service to indicate whether a users password is in the pwned password dataset or not. If you haven’t read that post this won’t make a lot of sense, so read that then come back.
The solution when receiving a new password for a user (via Microsoft Password Change Notification Service) was checking against the Have I Been Pwned API.… [Keep reading] “UPDATED: Identifying Active Directory Users with Pwned Passwords using Microsoft/Forefront Identity Manager”

Synchronizing Passwords from Active Directory to the IBM/Lotus Domino Identity Vault using Microsoft Identity Manager – Part 2


As the title suggests this is Part 2 of a three-part post on configuring FIM/MIM to synchronise users passwords from AD to the Domino ID Vault via PCNS and FIM/MIM.
Part 1 here detailed the creation of a PowerShell Management Agent to join users from Domino to the MIM Sync Metaverse.
This post details the creation and configuration of the Domino Agents to receive password changes via the PS MA into the ID Vault.
Part 3 here  details calling the Domino Agents on password sync events (from PCNS via MIM)

Creating a New Domino Application

As mentioned above and in Part 1 we need to create Domino Agents to process password change events into the ID Vault.… [Keep reading] “Synchronizing Passwords from Active Directory to the IBM/Lotus Domino Identity Vault using Microsoft Identity Manager – Part 2”

Synchronizing Passwords from Active Directory to the IBM/Lotus Domino Identity Vault using Microsoft Identity Manager – Part 1


Recently I wrote about getting started with the latest IBM/Lotus Notes/Domino Management Agent for Microsoft Identity Manager. In a recent engagement we are using that MA to provision and manage identities into Domino. We are also using the MA to synchronise passwords via PCNS and MIM to the Notes users’ Internet (HTTP) password.
What you may or may not be aware of is that IBM introduced a new feature with Domino 8.5 called the ID Vault.… [Keep reading] “Synchronizing Passwords from Active Directory to the IBM/Lotus Domino Identity Vault using Microsoft Identity Manager – Part 1”

Identifying Active Directory Users with Pwned Passwords using Microsoft/Forefront Identity Manager

Update: An element of this solution details checking passwords online (using the Have I Been Pwned API). Troy explains succinctly in his blog-post announcing the pwned passwords list why this is a bad idea. If you are looking to implement the concept I detail in this post then WE STRONGLY recommend using a local copy of the pwned password list.
THIS POST HERE details using a local SQL Database to hold the Pwned Passwords Datasets and the change to the Management Agent to query the SQL DB instead of the HIBP API.  [Keep reading] “Identifying Active Directory Users with Pwned Passwords using Microsoft/Forefront Identity Manager”

Error Synchronising passwords to users IBM/Lotus Domino HTTP Password with FIM/MIM – System.NotImplementedException: The method or operation is not implemented

Recently I posted about implementing the Microsoft IBM/Lotus Domino Management Agent.
In the implementation I needed to synchronise password changes from Active Directory to Lotus Notes (HTTP Password).  After configuring PCNS to send password change events to the FIM/MIM server, and configuring the IBM Domino MA as a password target I was hoping everything would just fire up like it normally does with PCNS.
However on a “password change event” I encountered the following error in the FIM/MIM Event Log.… [Keep reading] “Error Synchronising passwords to users IBM/Lotus Domino HTTP Password with FIM/MIM – System.NotImplementedException: The method or operation is not implemented”

The Vault!

The vault or more precisely the “Identity Vault” is a single pane view of all the collated data of your users, from the various data source repositories. This sounds like a lot of jargon but it’s quite simple really.
In the diagram below we look at a really simple attribute firstName (givenName within AD) DataFlow
As you will see at the centre is the attribute, and branching off this is all the Connected Systems, i.e. Active Directory.… [Keep reading] “The Vault!”