Dependency Injection in Vue.js App with TypeScript

Dependency management is one of critical points while developing applications. In the back-end world, there are many IoC container libraries that we can make use of, like Autofac, Ninject, etc. Similarly, many modern front-end frameworks also provide DI features. However, those features work way differently from how back-end libraries do. In this post, we’re going to use TypeScript and Vue.js for development and apply an IoC container library called InversifyJS that offers very similar development experiences to back-end application development.… [Keep reading] “Dependency Injection in Vue.js App with TypeScript”

Accessing to Geolocation on Mobile Devices from ASP.NET Core Application in Vue.js and TypeScript

In the previous post, we used HTML5 getUserMedia() API to access camera on our mobile devices. In this post, we’re using geolocation data on our mobile devices.

The code samples used for this post can be found here.

navigator.geolocation API

Unlike getUserMedia() API, geolocation API has a great level of compatibility of almost all browsers.

Therefore, with a simple TypeScript code, we can easily use the geolocation data.

NOTE: In order to use the geolocation API, the device must be connected to the Internet.

[Keep reading] “Accessing to Geolocation on Mobile Devices from ASP.NET Core Application in Vue.js and TypeScript”

Azure AD Connect – Upgrade Errors

Azure AD Connect is the latest release to date for Azure AD sync or previously known as Dirsync service. It comes with some new features which make it even more efficient and useful in Hybrid environment. Besides many new features the primary purpose of this application remains the same i.e. to sync identities from your local (On-Prem) AD to Azure AD.
Of the late I upgraded an AD sync service to AD connect and during the install process I ran into a few issues which I felt are not widely discussed or posted on the web but yet are real world scenarios which people can face during AD connect Install and configuration.… [Keep reading] “Azure AD Connect – Upgrade Errors”

Accessing to Camera on Mobile Devices from ASP.NET Core Application in Vue.js and TypeScript

In the previous post, we built an ASP.NET Core application using Vue.js and TypeScript. As a working example, we’re building a mobile web application. Many modern web browsers supporting HTML5 can access to multimedia devices on users’ computer, smartphones or tablets, such as camera and microphone. The Navigator.getUserMedia() API enables us to access to those resources. In this post, we’re actually going to implement a feature for camera access on our computer and mobile devices, by writing codes in VueJs and TypeScript.… [Keep reading] “Accessing to Camera on Mobile Devices from ASP.NET Core Application in Vue.js and TypeScript”

Remote Access to Local ASP.NET Core Applications from Mobile Devices

One of the most popular tools for ASP.NET or ASP.NET Core application development is IIS Express. We can’t deny it. Unless we need specific requirements, IIS Express is a sort of de-facto web server for debugging on developers’ local machines. With IIS Express, we can easily access to our local web applications with no problem during the debugging time.

There are, however, always cases that we need to access to our locally running website from another web browsers like mobile devices.… [Keep reading] “Remote Access to Local ASP.NET Core Applications from Mobile Devices”

Writing Vue.js Applications in TypeScript on ASP.NET Core

In the previous post, we’ve briefly walked through how to build Vue.js application on ASP.NET Core. Like other modern JavaScript framework, VueJs also supports TypeScript out-of-the-box. If we can get full benefits from TypeScript to build a VueJs app, it would be awesome! There are many resources referring to the combination of VueJs and TypeScript. However, they are not using the basic template that VueJs provides, which brings about less confidence to those developers who just started using VueJs.… [Keep reading] “Writing Vue.js Applications in TypeScript on ASP.NET Core”

Send mail to Office 365 via an Exchange Server hosted in Azure

Those of you who have attempted to send mail to Office 365 from Azure know that sending outbound mail directly from an email server hosted in Azure is not supported due to elastic nature of public cloud service IPs and the potential for abuse. Therefore, the Azure IP address blocks are added to public block lists with no exceptions to this policy.
To be able to send mail from an Azure hosted email server to Office 365 you to need to send mail via a SMTP relay.… [Keep reading] “Send mail to Office 365 via an Exchange Server hosted in Azure”

Exchange Server 2016 in Azure

I recently worked on a project where I had to install Exchange Server 2016 on an Azure VM and I chose a D2 sized Azure VM (2 cores, 7GB RAM) thinking that will suffice, well that was a big mistake.
The installation made it to the last step before a warning appeared informing me that the server is low on memory resources and eventually terminated the installation, leaving it incomplete.
Let this be a warning to the rest of you, choose a D3 or above sized Azure VM to save yourself a whole lot of agony.… [Keep reading] “Exchange Server 2016 in Azure”