Office 365 URLs and IP address updates for firewall and proxy configuration, using Flow and Azure Automation


To use Microsoft Office 365, an organisation must allow traffic to [and sometimes from] the respective cloud services via the internet on specific ports and protocols to various URLs and/or IP addresses, or if you meet the requirements via Azure ExpressRoute.… [Keep reading] “Office 365 URLs and IP address updates for firewall and proxy configuration, using Flow and Azure Automation”

Azure ExpressRoute Public and Microsoft peering changes, notes from the field

I’ve been trying to piece all this together and get a single, concise blog post that covers all bases around the changes that have happened and are going to be happening for Microsoft ExpressRoute peering. That’s been a bit of a challenge because, I hope I don’t harp on this too much, but, communication could be a bit better from the product group team. With that said, though, it’s no secret for those that use ExpressRoute, Microsoft is looking to simply it’s configuration.… [Keep reading] “Azure ExpressRoute Public and Microsoft peering changes, notes from the field”

Why is the Azure Load Balancer NOT working?


For most workloads that I’ve deployed in Azure that have required load balancing, for the Azure Load Balancer (ALB) used in those architectures, the out of the box experience or the default configuration was used. The load balancer service is great like that, whereby for the majority of scenarios it just works out of the box. I’m sure this isn’t an Azure only experience either. The other public cloud providers have a great out of the box load balancing service that would work with just about any service without in depth configuration.… [Keep reading] “Why is the Azure Load Balancer NOT working?”

PowerShell gotcha when connecting ASM Classic VNETs to ARM ExpressRoute

Recently I was working on an Azure ExpressRoute configuration change that required an uplift from a 1GB circuit to a 10Gb circuit. Now thats nothing interesting, but, of note was using some PowerShell to execute a cmdlet.
A bit of a back story to set the scene here; and I promise it will be brief.
You can no longer provision Azure ExpressRoute circuits in the Classic or ASM deployment model. All ExpressRoute circuits that are provisioned now are indeed Azure Resource Manager (ASM) deployments.… [Keep reading] “PowerShell gotcha when connecting ASM Classic VNETs to ARM ExpressRoute”

Azure ARM architecture pattern: a DMZ design with a firewall appliance

Im in the process of putting together a new Azure design for a client. As always in Azure, the network components form the core of the design. There was a couple of key requirements that needed to be addressed that the existing environment had outgrown: lack of any layer 7 edge heightened security controls and a lack of a DMZ.

I was going through some designs that I’ve previously done and was checking the Microsoft literature on what some fresh design patterns might look like, in case anythings changed in recent times.… [Keep reading] “Azure ARM architecture pattern: a DMZ design with a firewall appliance”

Azure ARM architecture pattern: the correct way to deploy a DMZ with NSGs

Isolating any subnet in Azure can effectively create a DMZ. To do this correctly though is certainly something that is super easy, but, something that can easily be done incorrectly.
Firstly, all that is required is a NSG and associating that with any given subnet (caveat- remember that NSGs are not compatible with the GatewaySubnet). Doing this will deny most traffic to and from that subnet- mostly relating to the tag “internet”. What is easily missed is not applying a deny all rule set in both the inbound and outbound rules of the NSG itself.… [Keep reading] “Azure ARM architecture pattern: the correct way to deploy a DMZ with NSGs”

Updated Intune and NDES reference architecture, multiple NDES patterns

Now that Microsoft Intune is accessed via the Microsoft Azure portal, there has been a steady stream of weekly updates to the platform, improving things (for the most part) along the way. As of the end of November 2017, there was announced an interesting new feature that should become part of most Intune environments.
The key feature of note is the new ability to have multiple Network Device Enrolment Servers (NDES) configured for use with Intune.… [Keep reading] “Updated Intune and NDES reference architecture, multiple NDES patterns”

The quickest way to create new VMs in Azure from existing VM snapshots, mostly with PowerShell

There’s probably multiple ways to do this, both right and wrong, but, here’s a process that I’ve been using for a while that I’ve recently tweaked to take advantage of new Azure Managed Disks.

Sidebar – standard managed disk warning

Before I go on though, I wanted to issue a quick warning about the differences between standard unmanaged and managed disks. Microsoft will be pushing you to you Managed Disks more and more. Yes, its a great feature that makes the management of VM disks simpler.

[Keep reading] “The quickest way to create new VMs in Azure from existing VM snapshots, mostly with PowerShell”

How to create and auto update route tables in Azure for your local Azure datacentre with Azure Automation, bypassing firewall appliances

When deploying an “edge” or “perimeter” network in Azure, by way of a peered edge VNET or an edge subnet, you’ll likely want to deploy virtual firewall appliances of some kind to manage and control that ingress and egress traffic. This comes at a cost though. That cost being that Azure services are generally accessed via public IP addresses or hosts, even within Azure. The most common of those and one that has come up recently is Azure Blob storage.… [Keep reading] “How to create and auto update route tables in Azure for your local Azure datacentre with Azure Automation, bypassing firewall appliances”

Getting Azure 99.95% SLA for Cisco FTD virtual appliances in Azure via availability sets and ARM templates

First published on Lucian’s blog at Lucian.Blog. Follow Lucian on Twitter: @LucianFrango or connect via LinkedIn: Lucian Franghiu.

In the real world there are numerous lessons learned, experiences, opinions and vendors recommendations that dictate and what constitutes “best practice” when it comes to internet edge security. It’s a can of worms that I don’t want to open as I am not claiming to be an expert in that regard. I can say that I do have enough experience to know that not having any security is a really bad idea and having bank level security for regular enterprise customers can be excessive.… [Keep reading] “Getting Azure 99.95% SLA for Cisco FTD virtual appliances in Azure via availability sets and ARM templates”