Organisational Strategies are currently being forged around SAAS, IAAS and PAAS in cloud computing.

What will the new Cloud Enterprise Governance framework look like?

Lack of Cloud Enterprise Governance can result in organisations not achieving strategically set directives as well as consumer loss of confidence.

This is challenging considering how fast cloud computing is currently being accelerated, at the same token, this also provides a fantastic opportunity to get it right.

Cloud computing is putting pressure on traditional governance ability to adapt and change.

It is critical that governance is addressed from a holistic point of view.

What does Governance mean?

Ensuring that policies and strategy are actually implemented, and correctly followed. Your ability to clearly define ownership, auditing, measuring, reporting and resolving any issues that are identified as a result thereof.

Some key thoughts to consider when putting your Cloud Enterprise framework together under a Cloud model.

Leading and Managing intertwined

This is where Governance gets interesting, sticking to the definition of Governance is fundamentally an intertwining of both leadership and management.

Leadership in the sense of understanding the organisation’s vision, setting the strategy and bringing about alignment.

Management in the sense of how we actually implement the strategy. Setting the budget, working out the resources required and so forth.

It’s crucial that your Cloud Enterprise Governance Framework has these qualities, for example, a policy is formally documented management expectations and intentions which can be used to direct decisions and ensure a consistent approach when implementing leadership’s strategy. In the cloud-climate where change is constant, you need to be in a position to respond with greater agility. It’s crucial that your governance framework has the ability to move between the two.

Your Evolvement (not involvement – that’s a given)

What are the new requirements that your Cloud model has outlined in its roadmap?

How you best position your organisation to maximise the offerings.

What has been launched? Hopefully, you are not caught out here, depending on your position on change management.

What’s currently being developed? What’s currently being rolled out? Important questions that need to be flushed out to ensure your evolution in cloud computing.

Cloud Enterprise Guiding Coalition

Experience at establishing a Cloud Enterprise Governance has shown that a carefully thought out group of individuals (Leaders and Managers) are critical in ensuring Cloud Service success.

A guiding coalition team does not have to be comprised solely of senior managers. A single champion cannot achieve success alone.

The end goal of establishing this team is not from a who has the power but more around experience, respect, versatility and trust. This team should be backed by an influential business or IT sponsor.

As the programme buy-in grows, and throughout the programme itself when more and more successes are achieved and benefits realised, this team should be increased to involve a wider range of people and functions.

The types of questions you need to be asking are, ‘Do we have the right people on board?’ and, if not, ‘Who should we have on board?’

Something to Remember


  • Lead and manage, intertwine the two at all levels.
  • Ensure you have a position of constant evolution.


  • Forsake building a Cloud Enterprise Governance framework.
  • Have clear markers on how you are assessing your operational performance, ensure that these indicators are accurately represented in the Cloud Enterprise Governance Coalition.
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