Batching Microsoft Graph API Requests with JSON Batching and PowerShell

Late in 2018 it came to my attention new functionality with the Microsoft Graph API for batching API requests into a single request. As I predominantly use PowerShell for scripting into Microsoft Graph parallel requests historically required extra functions to achieve something similar. Use of Invoke-Parallel for instance, that I’ve previously discussed in posts such as How to create an Azure Function App to Simultaneously Start|Stop all Virtual Machines in a Resource Group.

Fast forward to 2019 and I’ve been building a bunch of reports from Microsoft Graph that aggregate data from multiple API endpoints such as /users /auditLogs and /security .… [Keep reading] “Batching Microsoft Graph API Requests with JSON Batching and PowerShell”

Active Directory User Migration in Hybrid Exchange Environment Using ADMT – Part3

Installation and configuration of ADMT tool and Password Export Server

Now that we have got our active directories in both source and target domain ready for migration, let’s install the tools required for migration.

ADMT Migration Account

The ADMT service account needs to have administrative rights in both source and target domains. It’s a good idea to create a user specifically for the ADMT Migration, however you may still use an existing user if desired. A single service account will be used for the entire migration:

  • In the target domain, create an administrator account

Target Domain:

  • In the source domain add the same user to the built-in Administrators group (it can’t be added directly to domain admins group).
[Keep reading] “Active Directory User Migration in Hybrid Exchange Environment Using ADMT – Part3”

Build a better technical architecture with reusable components in React for SharePoint Framework webparts

If there is a complex web part to be implemented (for eg. with over 5000 lines of code), then the important question to ask is how to distribute the implementation logic, so it could be better maintained. From a technical architecture point of view, better readability and efficiency, the react components provide a suitable solution for it.

Another important consideration for this is to increase performance of the control during build and debugging. From experience, if a control’s logic goes beyond 5000 lines of code then the build performance decreases drastically, it takes about 30 secs or more to build and another 30 secs or more to ready the control for debugging.… [Keep reading] “Build a better technical architecture with reusable components in React for SharePoint Framework webparts”

Know what you Value and how you Behave

In a previous post I discussed some tips on how to be a better consultant. A few people asked about my last tip – Stay true to your values.  They ask what are they? How do I know what I value? Do they really impact behaviour?  

What are values?

They are deeply held beliefs about behaviours or outcomes we think are important. In their book The Truth About Leadership, Kouzes & Posner do a great job of making them relevant:

Values drive commitment.

[Keep reading] “Know what you Value and how you Behave”

Active Directory User Migration in Hybrid Exchange Environment Using ADMT – Part2

Configuring source and target domains

In the previous post of this series I discussed about the tasks involved in migrating a user from a domain to another in a hybrid exchange environment. Now let’s get down to the nitty-witty of migration.

Before getting into moving the users across to target domain, there are few things that need to be installed and configured in both source and target domain. Let’s start by looking at the configuration steps for source and target domains.… [Keep reading] “Active Directory User Migration in Hybrid Exchange Environment Using ADMT – Part2”