Update: Oct 2019. IdentityNow Sources can be easily managed using the SailPoint IdentityNow PowerShell Module.
Back again with another post in my series detailing accessing SailPoint IdentityNow via the API using the unpublished and undocumented APIs. Previous posts detail;
- Managing SailPoint IdentityNow Governance Groups via the API with PowerShell
- Managing SailPoint IdentityNow Roles via API and PowerShell
- Managing SailPoint IdentityNow Applications via API with PowerShell
This post also assumes you are able to access the IdentityNow APIs as detailed in this post here. You will need to use that process to access the Sources APIs. You will also need to update the Headers for “Content-Type” for the Get API calls and again for the Post API call. Add this line to your script to allow the query and return of Source Details
This post details:
- Getting a List of Sources
- Getting the Details of a Source
- Getting the Schema of a Source
- Updating the Details of a Source
Getting a List of Sources
The API call shown above will return all Sources configured in the queried IdentityNow Tenant. For each Source a limited set of configuration information is returned. Below is an example for a Delimited File Source File Source Type.
id : 36666 version : 2 name : Privileged Access Management description : Cyberark PAM owner : lastUpdated : 2018-10-05T00:39:33Z scriptName : delimitedfile definitionName : Delimited File appCount : 0 userCount : 0 sourceConnected : False sourceConnectorName : Delimited File supportsEntitlementAggregation : true externalId : 2c918086663fbbc0016641aa51041603 icon : https://files.accessiq.sailpoint.com/modules/builds/static-assets/perpetual/identitynow/icons/2.0/source/ health : @{hostname=564c355e916f; lastSeen=1538699972555; org=orgName; healthy=True; lastChanged=1538699972555; isAuthoritative=false; id=36777; type=C:173-delimited-file; status=SOURCE_STATE_UNCHECKED_SOURCE_NO_ACCOUNTS; since=1494370939} sourceType : DELIMITED_FILE useForAuthentication : False useForAccounts : False useForProvisioning : False useForPasswordManagement : False iqServiceDownloadUrl : https://files.accessiq.sailpoint.com/integrations/iqservice/IQService.zip
PowerShell Example
The following will return the list of Sources in an IdentityNow Tenant where $orgName is the Organisation Name for your IdentityNow Tenant.
$IDNSources=Invoke-RestMethod-Method Get -Uri "https://$($orgName).api.identitynow.com/cc/api/source/list"-WebSession $IDN write-host -ForegroundColor Green "$($IDNSources.Count) Sources found"
Getting the Details of a Source
The API call shown above will return all the details for the specified Source. Below is an example of the full details for the same Delimited File Source File Source Type above.
id : 36666 version : 3 name : Privileged Access Management description : Cyberark PAM owner : @{id=1084412; name=IDN Admin} lastUpdated : 2018-10-22T21:29:12Z scriptName : delimitedfile definitionName : Delimited File appCount : 0 userCount : 0 sourceConnected : False sourceConnectorName : Delimited File supportsEntitlementAggregation : true externalId : 2c918086663fbbc0016641aa51041603 icon : https://files.accessiq.sailpoint.com/modules/builds/static-assets/perpetual/identitynow/icons/2.0/source/ health : @{hostname=564c355e916f; lastSeen=1538699972555; org=orgName; healthy=True; lastChanged=1538699972555; isAuthoritative=false; id=36777; type=C:173-delimited-file; status=SOURCE_STATE_UNCHECKED_SOURCE_NO_ACCOUNTS; since=1547135418} sourceType : DELIMITED_FILE useForAuthentication : False useForAccounts : False useForProvisioning : False useForPasswordManagement : False iqServiceDownloadUrl : https://files.accessiq.sailpoint.com/integrations/iqservice/IQService.zip entitlementsCount : 0 accountsCount : 0 connector_featuresString : DIRECT_PERMISSIONS, NO_RANDOM_ACCESS, DISCOVER_SCHEMA hasValidAccountProfile : False correlationConfig : @{attributeAssignments=; id=; name=} sourceConfigFrom : Mantis Config: Cloud Connector isAuthoritative : False accessProfilesCount : 0 connector_delimiter : , connector_commentCharacter : # connector_numberOfLinesToSkip : connector_filterString : cloudDisplayName : Privileged Access Management cloudExternalId : 36777 cloudOriginalApplicationType : Delimited File deleteThresholdPercentage : 10 file : /var/lib/identityiq_workspace/f8001b46-4fab-4e0b-ad15-18f53dc1507c-accounts.csv filetransport : local filterEmptyRecords : True formPath : group.columnNames : {id, name, displayName, created...} group.delimiter : , group.file : /var/lib/identityiq_workspace/156524b6-9513-404c-8063-40275edfa575-groups.csv group.filetransport : local group.filterEmptyRecords : True group.hasHeader : True group.host : local group.indexColumn : id group.mergeColumns : {entitlements, groups, permissions} group.mergeRows : True group.partitionMode : disabled hasHeader : True host : local indexColumn : id managerCorrelationFilter : mergeColumns : {groups} mergeRows : True partitionMode : disabled templateApplication : DelimitedFile Template
PowerShell Example
The following will return the details for all sources in an IdentityNow Tenant where $orgName is the Organisation Name for your IdentityNow Tenant and IDNSources is the collection of Sources returned from the List Sources API call above.
foreach ($idnSource in $IDNSources){ # Get Source Details $sourceInfo=Invoke-RestMethod-Method Get -uri "$($sourceDetailsURI)/$($idnSource.id)"-WebSession $IDN $sourceInfo }
Getting the Schema of a Source
The API call shown above will return the Schema for the specified Source. Below is an example of the Schema for the same Delimited File Source File Source Type above.
attributes : {@{description=The unique ID for the account; displayAttribute=False; entitlement=False; identityAttribute=True; managed=False; minable=False; multi=False; name=id; type=string}, @{description=The name of the account - typical username etc; displayAttribute=True; entitlement=False; identityAttribute=False; managed=False; minable=False; multi=False; name=name; type=string}, @{description=The first or given name of the user associated with the account; displayAttribute=False; entitlement=False; identityAttribute=False; managed=False; minable=False; multi=False; name=givenName; type=string}, @{description=The last, family name, or surname of the user associated with the account; displayAttribute=False; entitlement=False; identityAttribute=False; managed=False; minable=False; multi=False; name=familyName; type=string}...} displayAttribute : name groupAttribute : groups identityAttribute : id nativeObjectType : User objectType : account
PowerShell Example
The following will return the schema for all sources in an IdentityNow Tenant where $orgName is the Organisation Name for your IdentityNow Tenant and IDNSources is the collection of Sources returned from the List Sources API call above.
foreach ($idnSource in $IDNSources){ # Get Source Schema Details $sourceSchema=Invoke-RestMethod-Uri "$($sourceSchemaURI)/$($source.id)"-WebSession $IDN $sourceSchema }
Updating the Details for a Source
The API endpoint above is called to update the Details for a Source. In conjunction with calling the API endpoint a Body needs to be provided to update the Source Details. Below is an example of updating the Owner and the Description of a Source.
- The Content-Type needs to be updated for “application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8”
- You only need to specify the attributes you wish to change and append them to each other with the separator ‘&‘
- The body with the udpate(s) needs to be URLEncoded. PowerShell Invoke-RestMethod handles that
$sourceUpdateURI = "https://$($orgName).api.identitynow.com/cc/api/source/update" $Global:IDN.Headers.Add('Content-Type', "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8") $sourceID=$idnSource.id $sourceDesscription = "CyberArk" $sourceOwnerID = "1089912" $sourceDetailsBody = "description=$($sourceDesscription)&ownerId=$($sourceOwnerID)" $updateSource = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Post -Uri "$($sourceUpdateURI)/$($sourceID)" -Body $sourceDetailsBody -WebSession $Global:IDN
If you set a variable to the POST webRequest you get the updated object returned following a successful update. A snippet of the response is below. The version updates with each update.
id : 36666 version : 7 name : Privileged Access Management description : CyberArk owner : @{id=1089123; name=Bob Smith} lastUpdated : 2018-10-23T01:15:26Z scriptName : delimitedfile definitionName : Delimited File
In this post I showed using PowerShell to access the Sources APIs to List Sources, Get full details for a Source, Get the Schema of a Source and Update the Details for a Source. In my next post I’ll show generating HTML Reports for the configuration of Sources.
Here is the snippet of the calls as listed in this post. As per the introduction it assumes you are authenticated and re-using your WebSession.