Striving to be better at what you do is important for your development. Though, it typically translates into developing what you know rather than how you act. For consulting (or any job), there are two parts to the equation; Hard Skills & Soft skills. Balance is needed so you should learn to develop both.
I aim to help people develop their soft skills. They are typically harder to define and require more attention. Below are concepts I work on developing every day and hopefully you can take some away and start developing them for yourself.
Quality builds trust which creates opportunity
The link between quality & trust is easy to understand. When a relationship or engagement is new, you must prove yourself. The best way is to deliver something of superior quality. Whether that’s a presentation, application or a document. Do what you can to make it a quality output. It can be difficult to define what the quality standard should be so it’s important to set this upfront.
Delivering quality is the best way to build trust however, being aware of when trust it exists is challenging. Know where you are at on the spectrum. It’s not as easy as asking ‘do you trust me’. Start with small tests to gauge where you are, build up to something bigger. Once trust is established, only then can you start being opportunistic and by that, I mean, challenge peoples thinking, pitching ideas, pitching for more work. If it doesn’t exist, work on getting it.
Understand when to focus on delivering quality versus being opportunistic
Own your brand
This is how people see you. Your actions, traits & values have a direct correlation to your brand. What you are known for? How effective do people think you are? How well do you know your domain of expertise? At some point, people will talk about you. Managers, customers or colleagues both past & future. These conversations, ones you aren’t involved in, define your brand and it’s important you own it.
What do you want to be known for?
Keep your commitments
Sounds simple enough. What you agree to in meetings, quick conversations or any other discussion. Manage them, follow up on them & keep on top of them. Let people know where they are up to. Don’t ignore them. Often, we forget the small things we commit to. I’ve found it’s delivering on these small things that go a long way in building quality relationships. People tend not to forget if you let them down.
Diligence is important to your brand. Avoid being that person who can’t keep commitments.
Embrace adversity, build your resilience
Before getting to this one, I’ll say that work can be tough. Mental health is far more important than any job you will ever work. Know your limits. If you are in need support, please seek it. Most companies have an assistance programs available so contact your manager or HR representative if you are feeling overwhelmed.
Something always goes wrong. You project isn’t delivering quality, a relationship is damaged, you can’t get something signed off or you’ve just gone live and everything is on fire. For me, building resilience has been key to being successful in consulting. When things aren’t going well it’s difficult to get motivated, relationships are left in the balance, and you probably want to give up. I believe it’s in these tough moments, our true character really comes out. Do you pull out all stops to get things back on track? Do you give up? How do you respond to these situations?
Adversity defines character but know your limits
Respond, don’t react
Passion is a beautiful thing. When harnessed and used in the right way it can lead to amazing things. We get passionate about what we create or are heavily involved in, so when things don’t go your way it’s very easy to get frustrated & annoyed. In these situations, it’s important to not let your emotions guide your reaction. They always manifest in negative ways. You become short, you get agitated, frustrated quicker and if left unchecked can impact the work you deliver.
Don’t write that email. Avoid confronting that person. Go and take time to think about a response.
Play the ball. Not the person.
Stay true to your values
What do you stand for? What’s the right thing to do? Morally & ethically, these are difficult questions to answer. People that know & live through their values are more content with their work & personal lives. Understanding these goes way beyond anything you can do at work. I’m of the view that your values are generally set by age 6 and from that point develop & mature. Work to identify what your values & seek work that aligns with them. When personal values don’t align with professional, it leads to a world of pain.
Hopefully this list can help you sharpen your softer skills & make you a more effective consultant.