Recently I wrote about getting started with the latest IBM/Lotus Notes/Domino Management Agent for Microsoft Identity Manager. In a recent engagement we are using that MA to provision and manage identities into Domino. We are also using the MA to synchronise passwords via PCNS and MIM to the Notes users’ Internet (HTTP) password.
What you may or may not be aware of is that IBM introduced a new feature with Domino 8.5 called the ID Vault. The ID Vault is a Domino based application that holds protected copies of Notes user IDs. Now here’s the twist. The Microsoft Domino MA only supports password synchronisation to the HTTP password, not to the ID Vault.
My customer is using the ID Vault and naturally we need to synchronise password changes to both the HTTP Password and the ID Vault (for users Notes IDs). This post is the first in a series that details how I recently accomplished synchronising passwords to the Domino ID Vault.
- This post provides the introduction and the creation of a PowerShell Management Agent into Domino to join identities into the MIM Metaverse
- Post two details Creating Domino Agents that will handle taking requests from the MIM PS MA to change users ID Vault password
- Post three will detail calling the Domino Agents on password sync events (from PCNS via MIM)
The following diagram shows a high-level overview of password synchronisation using FIM/MIM from AD to Domino. Password changes/resets can be initiated using a number of methods. The FIM/MIM Self Service Password Reset functionality, users changing their password via their domain joined workstations as defined by AD Group Password Polic(y)ies, using the AD FS Password Change function, or even on behalf of users by a Service Desk/Administrator. In each scenario implementing Microsoft’s Password Change Notification Service will get the password change to FIM/MIM. I’m not going to cover PCNS as it is out of the box and straight forward to install and configure. This MS PFE PCNS implementation document covers it quite well.
Likewise I’m not going to go into any detail about password sync to the HTTP Password. That’s out of the box functionality, that is pretty much the same as any other MA configured as a Password Sync Target. That said in my environment I did have to configure the MS Domino MA like this to get password events out to Domino.
ID Vault FIM/MIM PowerShell Management Agent
First up, we are going to need a Management Agent to join Notes users to our users from Active Directory in the Metaverse. I’ve gone to my favourite PowerShell Management Agent (Granfeldt) for this.
The Granfeldt PS MA will be configured to;
- Import and join Domino Users to the Metaverse. The MA will be slimline in the number of attributes it brings in. Enough to perform the join and have enough information about the users context in Domino to be able to perform the password sync event
- be a target for Password Synchronisation
- send the password change event to the Domino Agent we will build to perform the password change. A Domino Agent is required as the ID Vault will only accept password changes from a process run on the Domino Server(s). More on this in parts 2 and 3
The integration of the MIM Sync Engine with Domino with the PowerShell Management Agent is done using LDAP. The Name and Address Book is easily accessed via LDAP.
To get started I looked up the Server Document for the Domino Server I wanted to connect to that had the Name and Address Book. Selecting the Directory tab I could see that LDAP(S) 389/636 was enabled.
I then went to the Name and Address Book and looked up my Admin Notes ID to get its context so I could translate it to LDAP format. Darren Kloud Robinson/OrgU/Org-AUS translates to CN=Darren Kloud Robinson,OU=Org,O=Org-AUS“.
Knowing my Notes ID Password I used LDP from Windows Server to bind to the Domino Directory. You could use any LDAP Browser/Tool.
Once I validated I could connect and browse the tree, I knew I had my connection details sorted, I translated that to PowerShell.
That looked something like this;
I then wrapped this into a FIM/MIM PowerShell Management Agent. The Granfeldt PS MA Scripts are below.
Domino PowerShell Management Agent Schema Script
As described above the Schema Script is very light on the number of attributes specified. Basically the minimum required to get a join and give us the context of the user to process password sync events.
Domino PowerShell Management Agent Import Script
As detailed above the Import brings through enough metadata to perform the join and give us the attributes needed for the user context to be able to sync passwords through.
Domino PowerShell Management Agent Export Script
File just needs to exist. Not used in this scenario.
Domino PowerShell Management Agent Password Script
See Part 3 in this series for the Password.ps1 script. But if you are following sequentially, copy the empty Export.ps1 script for now and name it Password.ps1 and have it located in the same directory as the other PS MA scripts.
Wiring it all together
As for creating the PS MA, I’ve detailed this in-depth many times. Check out this post (or the many other similar I’ve posted) and the Getting Started section if you are new to the Granfeldt PowerShell Management Agent. Copy the above scripts to the directory you create, and when creating the MA provide the paths to the scripts (in 8.3 format).
A key item though is to configure the PS MA as a Password Sync Target as per the screenshot below. You will also need to configure where passwords are coming from to send to this new MA. If it is Active Directory, open the Properties of your AD MA select Configure Directory Partitions then under Password Synchronization enable the checkbox Enable this partition as a password synchronization source. Select Targets and select your newly created Notes ID Vault Password MA. Select Ok then Ok again.
After creating a Run Profile and doing a Stage and Import, based on your Join rule (probably email address) you should have a heap of connectors. In my environment displayName contains the context of the user. Eg. Full Name/OrgU/Org We’ll need this to send the password change event to the ID Vault.
Through the PowerShell MA as detailed above we have been able to enumerate users from Domino and join them to existing users in the MIM Sync Metaverse. We can now set about creating Domino Agents to take password sync events from this MA and change users passwords in the Domino ID Vault.
Part 2 in this series here details creating the Domino Agents and configuring Domino to accept the changes.