Lync mobility requires the installation of cumulative update 4 across your Lync server infrastructure. To install CU4, visit here. Once CU4 is deployed, you’re ready to configure the mobility service. You can download the Mobility deployment guide here. A high level summary is:

  1. DNS: Create an External DNS CNAME.

    Create CNAME Lyncdiscover.<your sip domain> that resolves to your external web services.

  2. Configure Ports: Configure Ports for the Mobility Service

    Set-CsWebServer –Identity <name of pool> –McxSipPrimaryListeningPort 5086

    Set-CsWebServer –Identity <name of pool> –McxSipExternalListeningPort 5087

    Enable-CsTopology –verbose

  3. Install Components: Install the Mobility and Lync Automatic discovery services

    On each front-end and director run McsStandalone.msi to install the Mobility Service and the Autodiscover Service. If you’re Windows Server 2008 (not Windows Server 2008 R2) you need to manually modify C:\Windows\System32\inetsrv\config\applicationHost.config. Refer to here.

  4. Update Certificates: Update certificates subject alternate names

    As the mobility service has added lyncdiscover.<your sip domain> a new subject alternate name is required on the Reverse Proxy certificate. There are multiple options in publishing the new service using the Reverse Proxy, but the easiest would be to:

    1. Request a new Reverse Proxy certificate that adds lyncdiscover.<your sip domain> to the subject alternate name list.
    2. Install the new certificate on the Reverse Proxy
  5. Update Reverse Proxy: Update the Reverse Proxy Listener and Web publishing rule.

    It is easier to update the using Lync external web services listener and publishing rule to support mobility.

    1. On the Listener – Select the new Certificate
    2. On the Web Publishing Rule – Add lyncdiscover.<your sip domain> to the list of Public Names.

    As long as the Path configuration is set to /*, it will be functional.

  6. Configure Push: Configure Push Notifications

    To support push notifications, execute the following:

    1. New-CsHostingProvider –Identity “LyncOnline” –Enabled $True –ProxyFqdn “” –VerificationLevel UseSourceVerification
    2. New-CsAllowedDomain –Identity “”
    3. Set-CsPushNotificationConfiguration –EnableApplePushNotificationService $True –EnableMicrosoftPushNotificationService $True

Push and client mobility can be restricted using mobility policies if desired.


Join the conversation! 3 Comments

  1. Great post. Clear overview of this service.thanks

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