Set your eyes on the Target!

So in my previous posts I’ve discussed a couple of key points in what I define as the basic principles of Identity and Access Management;

Now that we have all the information needed, we can start to look at your target systems. Now in the simplest terms this could be your local Active Directory (Authentication Domain), but this could be anything, and with the adoption of cloud services, often these target systems are what drives the need for robust IAM services.… [Keep reading] “Set your eyes on the Target!”

It all comes down to "Requirements"

In my l last post, I discussed the basic concepts of Identity Management. In this post I’m going to talk about the need to clearly identify the business requirements for IAM as a whole and not just to a specific technical need. More often than not IAM projects are spawn to satisfy a specific need, and realistically these today are around the adoption of specific cloud technologies, and Office 365 is the most obvious one.… [Keep reading] “It all comes down to "Requirements"”