Disk Space Reporting through Lamba Functions- Windows servers

Solution Objective:

The solution provides detailed report related to hard disk space for all the Windows Ec2 instances in the AWS environment.


Mentioned below are the requirements the solution should be able to fulfil.

  • Gather information related to all mount points in all the Windows EC2 instances in the environment.
  • Able to generate cumulative report based on all instances in the environment.

3. Assumptions:

The following assumptions are considered

  • All the EC2 instances have SSM agent installed.
[Keep reading] “Disk Space Reporting through Lamba Functions- Windows servers”

Sharing a report using a Power BI app


You have created reports and built dashboards in Power BI desktop to surface your data from multiple data sources, it is a time for you to share dashboards to a wider audience in your organisation and looking for how to do it. Power BI service came up with a powerful feature of Power BI apps to cater such scenarios.
If you have not yet created reports or did not setup a gateway for leveraging our on-premises data, please follow my earlier posts Setup a Power BI Gateway and Create reports using a Power BI Gateway to do so.… [Keep reading] “Sharing a report using a Power BI app”

Create reports using a Power BI Gateway


Once you have a Power BI gateway setup to ensure data flow from your on-premises data sources to Power BI service in the cloud, next step is to create reports using Power BI desktop and build reports using data from multiple on-premises data sources.
Note: If you didn’t have a gateway setup already, please follow my earlier post to set it up before you continue reading this post.


All on-premises data is stored in SQL server instances and spread across few data warehouses and multiple databases built and managed by your internal IT teams.… [Keep reading] “Create reports using a Power BI Gateway”

Setup a Power BI Gateway


So, you have explored Power BI (free) and wanted to start some action in the cloud. Suddenly you realise that your data is stored in an on-premise SQL data source and you still wanted to get insights up in the cloud and share it with your senior business management.


Microsoft’s on-premises data gateway is a bridge that can securely transfer your data to Power BI service from your on-premises data source.


  • Power BI pro licenses have been procured already for the required no of users (this is a MUST)
  • Users are already part of Azure AD and can sign in to Power BI service as part of Office 365 offering


You can build and setup a machine to act as a gateway between your Azure cloud service and on-premises data sources.… [Keep reading] “Setup a Power BI Gateway”