Implementing a Break Glass Process with AWS Systems Manager

Modern day organisations rely on systems to perform critical, sometimes lifesaving tasks. As a result, a common requirement for many organisations is a break-glass process, providing the ability to bypass normal access control procedures when existing authentication mechanisms fail. The implementation of a break glass system often involves considerable effort to ensure the process is not open to malicious use and is auditable, yet simple and efficient. The good news is AWS Systems Manager (SSM) with AWS Key Management Service (KMS) can be leveraged to allow administrative users the ability to recover access to systems on-demand, without having to bake in privileged users with predefined passwords on systems.… [Keep reading] “Implementing a Break Glass Process with AWS Systems Manager”

Error Synchronising passwords to users IBM/Lotus Domino HTTP Password with FIM/MIM – System.NotImplementedException: The method or operation is not implemented

Recently I posted about implementing the Microsoft IBM/Lotus Domino Management Agent.
In the implementation I needed to synchronise password changes from Active Directory to Lotus Notes (HTTP Password).  After configuring PCNS to send password change events to the FIM/MIM server, and configuring the IBM Domino MA as a password target I was hoping everything would just fire up like it normally does with PCNS.
However on a “password change event” I encountered the following error in the FIM/MIM Event Log.… [Keep reading] “Error Synchronising passwords to users IBM/Lotus Domino HTTP Password with FIM/MIM – System.NotImplementedException: The method or operation is not implemented”