Global Azure Bootcamp 2018 – Creating the Internet of YOUR Things

Today is the 6th Global Azure Bootcamp and I presented at the Sydney Microsoft Office on the Creating the Internet of YOUR Things.
In my session I gave an overview on where IoT is going and some of the amazing things we can look forward to (maybe). I then covered a number of IoT devices that you can buy now that can enrich your life.
I then moved on to building IoT devices and leveraging Azure, the focus of my presentation.… [Keep reading] “Global Azure Bootcamp 2018 – Creating the Internet of YOUR Things”

Building a Teenager Notification Service using Azure IoT an Azure Function, Microsoft Flow, Mongoose OS and a Micro Controller


This is the third and final post on my recent experiments integrating small micro controllers (ESP8266) running Mongoose OS integrated with Azure IoT Services.
In the first post in this series I detailed creating the Azure IoT Hub and registering a NodeMCU (ESP8266 based) micro controller with it. The post detailing that can be found here. Automating the creation of Azure IoT Hubs and the registration of IoT Devices with PowerShell and VS Code
In the second post I detailed communicating with the micro controller (IoT device) using MQTT and PowerShell.… [Keep reading] “Building a Teenager Notification Service using Azure IoT an Azure Function, Microsoft Flow, Mongoose OS and a Micro Controller”

Integrating Azure IoT Devices with MongooseOS MQTT and PowerShell

Introduction and Recap

In my last post here on IoT I detailed getting started with Azure IoT Hubs and registering an IoT device and sending telemetry from the IoT Device to the Azure IoT Hub. And doing all that using PowerShell.
If you haven’t read that post or worked through those steps, stop here, work through that and then come back. This post details configuring MongooseOS to receive MQTT messages from Azure IoT which is the last mile to making the IoT Device flexible for integration with anything you can think of.… [Keep reading] “Integrating Azure IoT Devices with MongooseOS MQTT and PowerShell”

Automating the creation of Azure IoT Hubs and the registration of IoT Devices with PowerShell and VS Code

The creation of an Azure IoT Hub is quick and simple, either through the Azure Portal or using PowerShell. But what can get more time-consuming is the registration of IoT Devices with the IoT Hub and generation of SAS Tokens for them for authentication.
In my experiments with micro-controllers and their integration with Azure IoT Services I often find I keep having to manually do tasks that should have just been automated. So I did. In this post I’ll cover using PowerShell to;

  • create an Azure IoT Hub
  • register an Azure IoT Device
  • generate a SAS Token for the IoT Device to use for authentication to an Azure IoT Hub from a Mongoose OS enabled ESP8266 micro controller

IoT Integration


In order to fully test this, ideally you will have a micro-controller.… [Keep reading] “Automating the creation of Azure IoT Hubs and the registration of IoT Devices with PowerShell and VS Code”