Using MIMWAL to mass update users

The generalised Workflow Activity Library for Microsoft Identity Manager (MIMWAL) is not particularly new, but I’m regularly finding new ways of using it.
TL;DR: [//Queries/Key/Attribute] can be used as a target to update multiple accounts at once
Working from colleague Michael’s previous post Introduction to MIM Advanced Workflows with MIMWAL (Update Resource workflow section), user accounts can be populated with location details when a location code is set or updated.
But, consider the question: what happens when the source location object is updated with new details, without moving the user between locations?[Keep reading] “Using MIMWAL to mass update users”

Error rebuilding MIMWAL – File MicrosoftServices.IdentityManagement.WorkflowActivityLibrary.dll not found

First published on Nivlesh’s blog at
A few days ago, I was going through the steps for compiling MIMWAL, as listed at and came across an interesting problem.
After I had rebuilt my Visual Studio package, I went to run Sign.cmd and kept getting the following error message
Error: File “MicrosoftServices.IdentityManagement.WorkflowActivityLibrary.dll” Not Found. You need to compile WAL solution first! Make sure you use REBUILD Solution menu. Aborting script execution…
This was quite bizarre as I had not deviated from the steps listed in the above mentioned article.… [Keep reading] “Error rebuilding MIMWAL – File MicrosoftServices.IdentityManagement.WorkflowActivityLibrary.dll not found”