Debugging an Office 365 ADFS/SSO issue when accessing Office Store in browser

We recently came across an issue with a customer where they had configured a standard SSO experience with Office 365 using ADFS and it was working perfectly except for a specific use case.   When a user accesses the office store via the Office 365 portal (e.g. they got into an endless SSO login loop.  Specfically, they would see the following:

  1. Connection to
  2. Redirection to
  3. Redirection to (automatically signed in because of WIA SSO)
  4. Redirection to
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Office 365 / SharePoint Sign-in with Xamarin.iOS

While coding up an iOS app with Xamarin I came across some odd behaviour when trying to programmatically sign in to O365 using HttpClient.


If you are not aware, Xamarin is built with Mono (the open source .NET Framework) and for all intents and purposes has the same namespace and language features as .NET 4.5. Excluding of course, all the Microsoft specific .NET parts.


OK I’ll set the scene. One of the requirements of my shiny new Xamarin app was to host a SharePoint site in a browser control.… [Keep reading] “Office 365 / SharePoint Sign-in with Xamarin.iOS”