Sending and Querying Custom Log Data to Azure Monitor Logs

Recently for a customer engagement we had the requirement to take log data from a 3rd party application and ingest it into Azure Log Analytics to make the data available in Azure Monitor. Sending Custom Log Data to Azure Monitor Logs is currently in Public Preview. This Microsoft article provides an overview of the capability.

In addition to the standard tiers of an application, you may need to monitor other resources that have telemetry that can’t be collected with the other data sources.[Keep reading] “Sending and Querying Custom Log Data to Azure Monitor Logs”

Automating Azure Instrumentation and Monitoring – Part 5: Log Alerts

In the previous part of this series, we looked at the basic structure of Azure Monitor alerts, and then specifically at metric alerts. In this part we will consider other types of alert that Azure Monitor can emit. We will first discuss application log alerts – sometimes simply called log alerts – which let us be notified about important data emitted into our application logs. Next we will discuss activity log alerts, which notify us when events happen within Azure itself.… [Keep reading] “Automating Azure Instrumentation and Monitoring – Part 5: Log Alerts”

Automating Azure Instrumentation and Monitoring – Part 4: Metric Alerts

One of the most important features of Azure Monitor is its ability to send alerts when something interesting happens – in other words, when our telemetry meets some criteria we have told Azure Monitor that we’re interested in. We might have alerts that indicate when our application is down, or when it’s getting an unusually high amount of traffic, or when the response time or other performance metrics aren’t within the normal range. We can also have alerts based on the contents of log messages, and on the health status of Azure resources as reported by Azure itself.… [Keep reading] “Automating Azure Instrumentation and Monitoring – Part 4: Metric Alerts”

Automating Azure Instrumentation and Monitoring – Part 3: Custom Metrics

One of the core data types that Azure Monitor works with is metrics – numerical pieces of data that represent the state of an Azure resource or of an application component at a specific point in time. Azure publishes built-in metrics for almost all Azure services, and these metrics are available for querying interactively as well as for use within alerts and other systems. In addition to the Azure-published metrics, we can also publish our own custom metrics.… [Keep reading] “Automating Azure Instrumentation and Monitoring – Part 3: Custom Metrics”