If you are trying to update a Managed Metadata and Hyperlink column in SharePoint online using PnP PowerShell and it is not getting updated, then this blog might be of help.
I had been working on a quick requirement for updating Managed Metadata columns using a PowerShell script for a bulk update requirement and it was not working as planned. The managed metadata column we were updating didn’t have the right format of Term store hierarchy and this was the cause of the issue.
Managed Metadata
The Managed Metadata termstore format below, will not work if anything is missed in the hierarchy or symbols.

$val = "Group|TermSet|Term1|Term2..."

So for eg. Your group is “Test Group” with Termset “Test Termset1” with Level 1 Term “Parent” and Level 2 Term “Child”, then the value is:

$val = "Test Group|Test Termset1|Parent|Child"

The update command in PnP Powershell will be:

Set-PnPListItem -List "[Lib Name]" -Identity [ItemID] -Values  @{"Managed Metadata Column" = $val}

This one was amusing because I didn’t see the mistake till I realised that strings are not comma delimited, but space delimited! 🙂
The format for updating a hyperlink is below. Notice the space after the comma (,) it is very important to get this right.

Set-PnPListItem -List "[Lib Name]" -Identity [ItemID] -Values  @{"Hyperlink Column" = $val}

So above we saw how we can update Managed Metadata and Hyperlink columns using PnP PowerShell.

Office 365, PowerShell, SharePoint