Our solution to secure the mobile app data. It uses open source libraries and took a very minimal effort to implement
Here is the presentation of tonight’s talk. It was great to see so many passionate developers and business people at Melbourne Mobile. I have embedded the slides below and I hope you find it useful.
Talk Summary
This presentation is basically a summary of what I have learned and the experience I have had going through my recent project. In trying to secure the users data on the mobile device, I have come to learn quite few common flaws in the security implementation, I have learned more reasons why you need to protect the data on your mobile app, and have come to know and use few useful open source projects. I share my experience from this project hoping that it would help you gain some insight and protect your mobile app data easily.
I said in the presentation that you could start securing the app data by a couple of lines of code and I do mean it. In fact, if you use SQLCipher, then you could do that by only changing one line of code :). I have put the links to all my reference and the libraries I have used at the end of the slides.
Finally, just in case you do not like Prezi, here is the slides as a PDF file:
Let’s Hack It, the presentation as PDF